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Next day...

Yn woke up early in the morning, feeling rested after the first night  sleep. She went through her morning routine, taking a refreshing shower before heading towards the kitchen to start making breakfast. As she entered the kitchen, she saw her mother-in-law bustling about, preparing breakfast for Jungkook's father. Her mother-in-law looked up and greeted Yn with a warm smile, saying, "Good morning, dear."

Yn returned the smile and greeted her mother-in-law, "Good morning, Mom." She could see that her mother-in-law was busy preparing a hearty breakfast for her husband, Jungkook's father.

Jungkook's mom turned to Yn and said, "Dear, now I'm done cooking for your dad. You can cook for Jungkook now." Yn nodded in agreement and watched as Jungkook's mom took the breakfast and headed back to her room.

Standing in the kitchen, Yn pondered what she should cook for Jungkook. Just then, Jungkook's mom, who had returned to the kitchen, looked at Yn and advised, "He eats toast, milk, and four boiled eggs for breakfast, dear."

Yn smiled gratefully at Jungkook's mom and said, "Okay, Mom. Thank you." Jungkook's mom returned the smile before leaving the kitchen.

Taking note of Jungkook's breakfast preferences, Yn set to work. She prepared the toast, poured a glass of milk, and started boiling the eggs. As she cooked, she thought about how she could make the breakfast extra special for Jungkook.

After a little while, Yn had everything ready. She set the table with a neatly arranged plate of toasted bread, a glass of milk, and four perfectly boiled eggs. Just as she was about to call Jungkook for breakfast, her mother-in-law appeared in the kitchen again.

Jungkook's mom smiled warmly as she saw the breakfast prepared on the table and praised Yn, "You've done a great job, dear. I'm sure Jungkook will appreciate it." Yn beamed with pride at the compliment and thanked her mother-in-law.

As they finished setting up the table,
Yn entered Jungkook's room with a smile on her face, the sun streaming in through the window. She sat beside him and gently shook his shoulder. "Jungkook, wake up! It's time to get up," she said softly.

Jungkook stirred and made a sleepy noise, "Hmm?"

Yn grinned and repeated, "Jungkook, wake up!"

Suddenly, to Yn's surprise, Jungkook swiftly grabbed her and playfully pulled her down onto the bed. "What if I don't let you go?" he teased, his eyes sparkling mischievously.

Yn giggled, feeling a little shy under his playful gaze. "Don't do this, Jungkook. Come on, wake up," she insisted, trying to wriggle free from his grasp.

Jungkook held onto her with a playful determination. "Not until you give me a kiss," he said with a sly grin.

Yn hesitated for a moment, then leaned in and planted a quick kiss on his lips. "There, now let me go," she laughed, trying to free herself from his playful hold.

With a satisfied smirk, Jungkook released her, and Yn sat up, brushing her tousled hair out of her face. "Jungkook, come on, I make breakfast for you," she said, standing up and straightening her clothes.

Jungkook, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes, gave a bright smile. "Yeah, that sounds great," he agreed, stretching as he got out of bed. They made their way to the kitchen, and as they entered, Jungkook's mother was already preparing some dishes.

"Good morning, son," as his mom responded with equal warmth.

Jungkook's eyes lit up as he saw the breakfast laid out on the table. "Wow, this looks amazing, Yn. Thank you," he said, appreciatively. He pulled out a chair and sat down eagerly, ready to dig in.

Yn felt a wave of happiness as she saw Jungkook's reaction. She poured him a glass of milk and placed it next to his plate. "I hope you enjoy it, Jungkook," she said, her voice filled with warmth and affection.

Jungkook's mom also joined them at the table, and they sat together, chatting and enjoying the meal. It was a pleasant and heartwarming start to the day.

After the meal, Jungkook leaned back in his chair, feeling satisfied. He looked at Yn with a twinkle in his eye and said, "Thank you for the wonderful breakfast, Yn. It really made my day."

Yn beamed at him, feeling happy that she could brighten his morning. "I'm glad you liked it, Jungkook," she replied, feeling a sense of contentment.

Jungkook's mom smiled at the exchange between them, feeling grateful to have Yn as her daughter-in-law. "You two make such a lovely couple," she remarked, her eyes filled with affection. Jungkook and Yn both smiled at her words, feeling the warmth of her motherly love.

As they finished breakfast, Jungkook headed off to start his day, leaving Yn and his mom in the kitchen. Yn grabbed the opportunity to thank Jungkook's mom for her guidance and support. "Mom, thank you for helping me with breakfast. I really appreciate it," she said, expressing her gratitude.

Jungkook's mom smiled and patted Yn's hand affectionately. "You're welcome, dear. I'm happy to help. You're like a daughter to me, and I want to support you in every way I can," she said, her voice filled with warmth.

Yn felt touched by her mother-in-law's words and embraced her gratefully. "Thank you, Mom. I feel so lucky to have you as my mother-in-law," she said, feeling a deep sense of warmth and affection towards the woman who had welcomed her into the family with open arms.

They spent the rest of the morning chatting and bonding over their shared experiences and aspirations. Yn felt a deep sense of connection and love for her family and knew that she was in the right place, surrounded by people who cared for her deeply.

As they finished their conversation, Yn and her mother-in-law exchanged a warm embrace before going about their day, feeling a renewed sense of love and camaraderie.

The morning had begun with the simple act of making breakfast, but it had turned into a heartwarming experience of bonding and connection. It was a reminder of the love that filled their home and the joy that came from caring for one another.

Shattered Deception.  (jungkook and Yoongi ff) 21+Where stories live. Discover now