4. Events & Encounters

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No one's POV : 

Seokmin couldn't believe it had already been three weeks since he started chatting with Joshua. Their conversations flowed smoothly, and it was easy to see that they shared common interests. Yet, Seokmin had never seen Joshua's face. The topic of appearance had never come up, but according to the stories Joshua told about the school he attended in America, he was surely handsome.

 As Seokmin sat in his English class, his mind wandered to thoughts of Joshua and he giggled a little. Suddenly, the teacher interrupted his thoughts and called on him to share a funny piece of information with the class that made him laugh. Seokmin sighed, feeling embarrassed yet again. It was the third time this week that he had been caught daydreaming. Feeling the warmth of his friend Mingyu's hand on his forearm, Seokmin stood up and apologized to the teacher. She was a friendly woman in her 40s with dark red hair and a slim build.

 "Dear, I know you are sorry, but it's the third time this week," she said to him. "You are a bright student. If anything is troubling you, please tell us. You just seem very out of everything." Seokmin took a deep breath before responding, "No ma'am, it's fine. I was just remembering something that made me laugh." He smiled sheepishly at her. "Well, Seokmin, class is already over, but we still have 5 minutes until lunch. Mind sharing the information with us, if it's not personal. It will be a nice way to pass the time," she said with a friendly smile. 

Feeling a little more comfortable, Seokmin took a deep breath and decided to share. "Actually, it's a story about my friend Joshua," he said, feeling a sense of excitement as he spoke. "You see, he used to go to school in America, and he told me that girls and boys used to drool over his animatic features." Seokmin giggled to himself as he remembered Joshua's words. The class erupted in laughter, and Seokmin felt a sense of relief wash over him. For a moment, he forgot about his worries and enjoyed the sound of laughter filling the room. 

As the bell rang for lunch, Seokmin made a mental note to thank Joshua later for making him smile. He couldn't wait to continue their conversations and learn more about his mysterious friend.


Dokyeom POV : 

As I was heading towards the school grounds with Mingyu for the lunch break, a ring from the phone in my pocket interrupted our little argument about whether a burger is a sandwich or not.

"Wait a minute, it's mom" I warned Mingyu. 

[conversation on a phone call]

" Hello Mom, what are you doing?" I asked my mom.

"Hello Bubba,  just sorting out some stuff from the closet. When are you coming home? "

"I think around 4 P.M. Why? Is something up?" The unusual question from my mom made me worried.

"Nothing. I just wanted to ask you to bring some flowers and sweets on the way home ." I left the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Okay Mom, I will. Well, what's the special occasion?"

"My high school friend that just moved back to Seoul is throwing a baby shower party today and we are invited. You and Seunghee are coming with me. "  A loud thud followed the sentence. I knew my mom just threw the dirty laundry from the first floor to the washing area on the ground floor. My mom could be super lazy and productive at the same time.

"Okay, Mom I will come with you. I am so excited for it. I have to hang up now, Mingyu has started to sulk again due to lack of attention " I giggled as Mingyu hit my arm softly.

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