6. Divulge & Day dream

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Joshua POV : 

My eyes were drawn to a new addition to our conversation: pictures of him.

 As I clicked on the image, my heart skipped a beat. There he was, a soft and beautiful boy with a gentle smile and kind eyes staring back at me.I couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth as I looked at his picture. It was as though I had known him for years, despite having never met him in person. His features were delicate and refined, and his expression exuded a sense of calm and serenity that was infectious. 

 I couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to get to know him better and learn more about his life and passions. As I continued gazing at his picture, I felt a sense of connection transcending physical distance and time. For a moment, it was as though we were sitting together, chatting and laughing like old friends

It's been three days since we shared our pictures, but his captivating images continue to quicken my heart rate every time I lay my eyes on them. His chocolate brown eyes are deep and alluring, drawing me in with their magnetic gaze. His raven hair cascades down his forehead, giving him a mysterious and alluring look. And that mesmerizing smile, oh that smile, it lights up his face and fills me with warmth and happiness.

I can't help but wonder what it would be like to be with him, to feel his touch and have him close to me. These thoughts keep me up at night, making me restless with anticipation and longing. I know that distance separates us, but I can't help but feel like there's something special between us, something that can't be denied.








No One's POV : 

" Shua?"




" Shut that stupid phone of yours's. We are in a library, for the god's sake."

As Joshua sat there holding his phone, his mind was completely consumed with thoughts of the beautiful person on his screen. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even notice the notifications blowing up on his phone.

The sudden shouting of his name by his best friend Jeonghan jolted him out of his trance. He looked around, slightly disoriented, before realizing that he had been completely absorbed in his own world. He had been lost in admiration of someone's ethereal looks, and it had completely taken over his mind.

As he apologized to the onlookers and his best friend, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed for being so oblivious to his surroundings. The library was a quiet place, and he knew that his friend's shouting had disturbed the other patrons. He gave a sheepish smile to the librarian, who had been giving him a stern look.

Jeonghan gave him a sympathetic smile and patted him on the back.

 "I know how it is, man. Sometimes people can be so captivating that they take over our thoughts completely."

He nodded, grateful for his friend's understanding. Despite feeling a bit embarrassed, he knew that Jeonghan was right. It was easy to get lost in admiration of someone's beauty, especially when they seemed to have an ethereal quality that was hard to ignore.

\ You, that I met / ---A seoksoo fanfiction---Where stories live. Discover now