9. Confession & Cat memes

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Joshua woke up the next day feeling soreness in his body and his head hurting like hell. He tried getting up from the bed and then he realized the presence of another body on top of his. This person has long black hair and the petite body of a male. That's when Joshua realized it was his best friend, Jeonghan, on top of him, both naked. That's when the memories from the night before flooded his mind.

He started panicking and tried to get up after silently moving Jeonghan. He almost succeeded but a hand on his wrist stopped him, flooding horror in his senses for what was to come. He turned slowly, facing the tired face of Jeonghan.

"I know what you are thinking. Let me explain, please?" Jeonghan got up from where he was sleeping, sitting straight with his back resting on the headboard.  Joshua could see his bare chest from the top of the blanket he was covering himself with. 

"It wasn't your fault Jeonghan. I should have stopped." Joshua said getting up and covering himself too.

Jeonghan shook his head as a no. "No Joshua. There are many things I haven't told you about for the last three years and I think today will be great to explain." He said and laughed a bitter laugh.

Joshua nodded for him to continue.

"I had a crush on you since we met three years before. I thought, back then, that it was just a silly crush as there was no chance you liked boys. When you told us that you are Bi and had a crush on some guy named Seungcheol, I was devastated. I wanted to have you to myself." Jeonghan sniffed a little. 

"I cried to sleep that night." Jeonghan giggled a little, wiping away the tears.

"Hanni-"  Joshua was cut off by Jeonghan.

"But it's fine. I have moved on now. Joshuji, I met a girl." Jeonghan said looking straight into the eyes of Joshua and smiling. A genuine smile. 

"Wonwoo told me about you having a crush on me yesterday after you-" He was again cut off.

"Wonwoo told you? He's a bitch. He told me that he will keep it a secret. He wanted a death wish, I guess." Jeonghan said, trying to sound like his usual self but his voice seemed a little heavy due to previous emotions.

They both laughed over it when they made eye contact. 

"I am happy for you Hannie, because I think it will be better for you to move on from me. I don't think I can like you romantically, even though I want to. I hope you understand. I never wanted to hurt you but I did, and I am so sorry for that." Joshua said looking down at his hands on the blanket on his lap.

"Are you dumb? I already told you I moved on. I was upset yesterday because you are so busy to spend time with us, asshole." Jeonghan was able to sound like himself now and that made Joshua giggle.

"I am sorry for that. I will give you guys more time now. okay?"

"Of course, you have to. You won't be able to persuade me once I get offended twice, you know that"

"yep, I know that,"  Joshua said taking Jeonghan off-guard with a sudden hug.

"You do realize that we both are still very naked, right?" Jeonghan said returning the hug. 

"Shut up. You are talking as if we didn't have sex last night." Joshua replied tightening the hug a little.



They both laughed at their antics. They both shared the much-needed hug in silence until Joshua decided to speak up.

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