12. Bus rides & Bracelets

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Dokyeom's POV : 

"WHAT? You're not coming?"

"I know, honey, but your sister is taking forever to choose a dress. You know how she is," his mom's voice was filled with regret.

"But, Mom, I don't know the way home from here," Dokyeom's concern was evident in his tone.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. Why don't you ask Joshua to guide you to the nearest bus stop? He knows the area well, doesn't he?" she suggested gently.

Dokyeom's frown eased at the mention of his friend. "Yeah, he does. Okay, I'll ask him."

"Good. And tell Joshua I said thank you. I'll make it up to you both for this." she added, her voice warm with motherly affection.

"Okay. How about you invite Joshua over for a ice cream feast someday?" she offered, hoping to ease the sting of the broken promise.

Dokyeom sighed, the frustration ebbing away as he thought of the sweet treat. "Fine, but I get to pick the flavor this time."

"Deal! And Dokyeom, try to enjoy the rest of your outing, okay?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Thanks, Mom. See you later, then."

"See you later, sweetheart. Be safe, and have fun!"

With a small smile, Dokyeom hung up the phone. The irritation had faded, replaced by the comforting knowledge that home was always a place of love and understanding, no matter the small hiccups along the way.

Joshua POV : 

Standing before the dog café we'd visited, I gazed at Seoul's evening lights, which set the city aglow. Dokyeom was on his phone beside me, his voice tinged with annoyance, but in a cute way.

Even with the annoyance and frustration clear on his face, there was still something endearing about it. The irritation was unmistakable, yet somehow, it only added to his charm, making him look cute in the end.

His eyes, usually sparkling with mischief and wonder, might have dulled slightly with his irritation. Yet, even in this state, they retained a glimmer of the playfulness that's so characteristic of him. The usual twinkle might have been overshadowed by a momentary cloud of frustration, but it was as if each blink fought to bring back the familiar warmth and light. In this rare moment of vexation, his eyes told a story of a cheerful soul not easily dimmed by passing troubles.

He still looked adorable with that pout and those pinchable, rosy cheeks. I had to resist the urge to bite hi—

"Hyung, we might have a slight problem." Dokyeom said, flashing a sheepish grin.

"And that is?" I intrigued with a chuckle.

"It's my mom. She was supposed to pick me up after our date, but she's caught up in 'girl shopping,' and it'll take her hours."

Date? He thinks this was a date? Well, it kind of was.

I mentally slapped myself when I realized  I was zoning out instead of concentrating on Dokyeom's problem.

"...and I'm clueless about getting home from here. It's my first time in this part of town. Maybe I could catch a bus if I knew where the stop was—-"

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