11. Concerts & Cafés

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A/N : It is a long chapter so I didn't get the time to recheck every sentence. If you find any error while reading, feel free to point it out. 

Joshua's POV:

The blush on Dokyeom's cheeks was a shade I'd never seen on a screen before, and it was infinitely more endearing in person. The soft evening light seemed to wrap around him, highlighting the gentle curve of his smile as he realized his small mistake.

"Ah, I guess I'm just too excited," Dokyeom admitted his voice a mix of embarrassment and laughter. "I can't believe I'm actually here with you, Shua Hyung."

I squeezed his hand reassuringly. "It's okay, Kyeom. It's easy to get turned around when you're overwhelmed with emotions."

As we walked towards the concert venue, I could feel the anticipation building between us. The air was filled with the sounds of distant music and the chatter of other concert-goers, but all I could focus on was the person beside me.

Dokyeom's POV:

Walking next to Joshua, I felt like I finally fit in somewhere. He had a calming effect on me, and every now and then, he'd look at me in a way that made my heart race.

As we got closer to the concert hall, I realized how much this meant to me. I was about to enjoy one of my favorite things with someone who had quickly become very special to me.

On our way to our seats, I ran into someone I didn't expect to see.


Third Person's POV:

"Mingyu?" "Wonwoo?" The names tumbled out of Dokyeom and Joshua's mouths in unison.

Dokyeom's brow furrowed in bewilderment. "Mingyu, since when did you started attending concerts?"

A smirk played on Joshua's lips as he turned to Wonwoo. "And you, Wonwoo, since when did you expand your social circle beyond us?"

Wonwoo's eyes narrowed playfully. "Oh, please. As if you're one to talk about friends," he retorted with a mock roll of his eyes.

Mingyu chuckled, the corners of his eyes crinkling. "Well, it seems we all evolve. Wonwoo happens to be my neighbor. We crossed paths at a party around one week back."

"Yes, that infamous party where you left me alone promising to come back in few minutes," Wonwoo added, specifically to Joshua. 

Joshua's laughter rang out, clear and bright. "Alright, alright, truce," he conceded. "Dokyeom, meet Wonwoo, a friend of mine." Joshua introduced Wonwoo to Dokyeom.

"Hi, Wonwoo hyung," Dokyeom greeted, bowing a little. "Joshua speaks of you often."

"He does?" Wonwoo asked, seeming a little shocked.

"I am Mingyu," Mingyu introduced himself to Joshua.

"And, you are Dokyeom's friend, I presume?"

"Best friend," Dokyeom and Mingyu stated in harmony, their smiles a testament to their bond.

In a moment of spontaneous affection, Dokyeom wrapped his arms around Mingyu, "You will come with me to the concerts from now on. No excuses of feeding your non-existent pet."

"okay" Mingyu replied while breaking the hug. "And, I do have a pet. A pet rock." Both laughed in response, Dokyeom turning towards Wonwoo.

"It's nice to meet you too, Hyung." Dokyeom said hugging Wonwoo a little. But Wonwoo instantly stiffened underneath the hug making Dokyeom to retreat quickly with an apology.

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