Chapter 8

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TW!- Slight mentions of suicide attempts and self harm

The next morning Chuuya woke up slowly, the sunlight filtering in through the windows and shining down onto him. As he looked to the side of him he noticed that Dazai was no longer in the bed, he groaned to himself and swung his legs around over the bed. 

He could tell that the light in his kitchen was on and knowing the stupid brunette he would probably be ransacking all his cabinets for stupid crab meat or something. Chuuya sighed to himself and stood up, making his way into the kitchen, he couldn't believe his shock when he saw Dazai, sitting at the countertop... reading.

No flour strewn all over his kitchen,

No explosions had gone off,


It was a light statement to say that Chuuya was weirded out but he ignored it, taking his place at the coffee machine and pouring himself a cup from the pot that Dazai had made earlier.

"What you reading?" He mumbled as he took a sip of his coffee, it was bitter. He forgot how bitter Dazai used to have his coffee. It was strong enough to blow someone's head off, yet the bandaged man never even batted an eye to it, just drank it happily.

"A book on suicide~" Dazai sang as he turned the book around to face Chuuya,

'101 ways to kill yourself' the book read. Jesus Dazai was into weird shit. Chuuya thought to himself.

"You seriously still go on about that suicide shit?" He asks the brunet as he added a good helping of milk to his coffee(He couldn't stand the taste anymore)

"Meh, guess so. It annoys Kunikidda so its fun," Dazai mumbled as he continued reading, weirdly very interested

Chuuya rolled his eyes at the thought of the blond man. He had too many valued and ideals in Chuuyas opinion. And whilst he didn't care to admit it he did not enjoy how he had once heard him talking to the brunette when he had seen them in public once...

... (When Chuuya had seen them)...

Dazai and Kunikida had been on their way to a field mission, something about a murder. Dazai strutted down the street, his long legs flailing around. 

"Heyyyyy Kunikidaaaaa~?" He sang out as he leant on the Blonde

"What is it Dazai," Kunikida replied sternly, not bothering to turn his head to look  at the blonde.

At this point in time Chuyya was trying on some hats he had seen in a market display which he thought would go with his new jacket that Koyo had given him for his birthday. He had heard the two walking past and decided to listen in on their conversation. He was bored anyway, this was just some entertainment.

"Don't suppose I could have this mission off? I reaaaaallllyyy wanted to try out this new suicide method I found out about!!!!!!! (Insert suicide method. If my mom found out I was researching that she would kill me lol)"

"Dazai, be quiet, and stop joking around! You are doing this mission! Go jump off a bridge after it or something but you better not be later to work tomorrow if you do!" Kunikda shouted grumpily (I don't know how else to describe how he reacts, but its like how he does in the anime sooooo)

"Awwwwww kunikdassss so meannnnnnn!" Dazai whined.

"Yeah well just make sure you don't disrupt my schedule when you finally decide to act on those stupid jokes of your!"

The pain inside me (Dazai angst)Where stories live. Discover now