Chapter 3: Naruto's Confession

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Sobbing uncontrollably, Kushina continued to hug her long-lost son. "Oh! Naruto, I thought I'd never see you again," she said, then she leaned away, getting a good look at him. "My, have you grown." she said, but Naruto was a little puzzled and confused, "Mom!... Were you never mad at me?." he asked, wanting to know. "No, silly, I was never mad at you from the start..." she started, then she continued ", You were right, I was only doing what a mother should be doing...But I swear, Naruto, I never knew about their intentions...I love you too much son!." she finished speaking then Naruto hugged his Mother "I still love you, Mom...Even though I'm with my new family, I still love you." Naruto said as he felt Kushina's arms around his back and rubbed his back. Then Kushina felt her sleeve being tugged and looked at her twins. "Mommy...Who is he?." Yuki asked as Yuma looked at the stranger. "This your older brother, Naruto!." she said as Yuki looked at Naruto. Then they both looked at their Mother, but suddenly, both twins burst out in excitement. "YAY!." they then hugged Naruto. "We finally got you. Meet you, Big Brother." Yuma said as Yuki looked up at Naruto. "Mommy told us about you, Big Brother," he said as Naruto smiled happily and ran his hands through their hair.

Naruto looked at his real Mother. "So...Should I even ask about "Them?." Naruto said, but Kushina shook her head with a smile. "You don't need to worry about them. Your former Father and I are now divorced, and Menma is no longer my son," she said as she lifted from her knees and hugged Kimba with a big smile. "Then I met this loveable shinobi; now he's your stepfather," Kushina explained. Then she showed a sad face, and Kimba rubbed her back. "But when I learned you got adopted, I was happy; I was happy you found new love, Naruto...But I don't know who you will stay with after the Chunin Exams." new tears are streaming down her face. "But whatever choice you make, just know Karura, and I will just be happy about it." she finished talking, waiting to hear what Naruto would say. Naruto held Temari's hand and looked at Kushina. "Mom...My choice doesn't matter. You are my family now. I wouldn't want that to change. I still love you, Mom. I do deeply, but my place is with Temari and her family," he explained, then he spoke again. "After the Chunin Exams, I will make an exception to come and visit you." he finished with a smile. Then he went over and hugged his mother, and Kushina hugged back.

Accepting what Naruto wanted, Kushina spent all day sorting out one of the spare rooms and turning it to Naruto's liking. She even put in a double bed in case Naruto returned to Konoha with Temari. When she was done, she returned to the living room and spent time with her extended family while Rasa was at the Hokage Tower talking to Minato about the Chunin Exams; just as Kushina was coming back down the stairs, there was a knock at the door when she opened it she was surprised. "Oh, Mom...What brings you over for a visit?." Kushina asked her adoptive Mother, Tsunade, "What? can't I visit my favourite daughter?" Tsunade started, then she crossed her arms and looked smug. "Are you hiding something from me, Kushina?." she asked, but Kushina shook her head. "I have a surprise for you; now close your eyes," Kushina said, and Tsunade sighed playfully and covered her eyes. Kushina then took Tsunade's hand and led her to the living room, where everyone else noticed and looked puzzled. Kushina waved her hand for Naruto to come over, and as he did, he was a little puzzled as he stood next to his mother. Then Kushina looked at Tsunade. "Alright, your surprise is right before you," she said as she guided Tsunade's hand and felt Naruto's head.

Tsunade moved her hand around Naruto's hair. "Feels soft... a mix of spiky and mossy." she started. She moved her hand from Naruto's hair to his face. "Most definitely a person," she said once more, her hand touching Naruto's face and making him chuckle. In contrast, the others at the family table tried to hold back their laughter, then Tsunade took another feel "This person's face doesn't have any baby fat, so whoever this person must be is working out very well and looked after." she said making Karura blushed and smiling at the part of Naruto being looked after well then Temari smirked for being the one that made Naruto work out, Tsunade felt Naruto's cheeks "Hmm...That's odd, and this person has whiskers." Tsunade started, but she kept rubbing his cheeks, making Naruto purr. "That is so cute," she said, then she moved her hand from Naruto's cheek to his neck, but she felt a thin chain. "Oh?... Now, what could this be." she started. She followed the chain down, and she felt the end of the necklace, a crystal gem, but the moment she felt the crystal gem and the length and shape of it, she started to have tears streaming down her face with her arm still covering her eyes "Kushina..." she said but could hardly come out with the words. "Yes, Mother," Kushina asked, but she knew what Tsunade would ask. "This...This person..." she started, and she swallowed her throat. "Does this person have Red hair...Green eyes..." She paused for a moment, then she smiled. "And is he smiling like an idiot?" she said, finally finishing her question. "Why yes, he is, Mother," she said as Tsunade started trembling, removing her arm from her eyes and looking at the young boy she hadn't seen in so long.

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