A month has passed since Rasa and his family returned to Suna with some new residence, feeling a bit overwhelmed Tayuya had asked her parents to let her live in an apartment Rasa and Karura were a bit sad about this but understood their daughter's decision and gave her an apartment that's just several streets down but Tayuya isn't alone as she felt a small connection with Hisui who also felt a bit overwhelmed staying in a house that is meant to be her new home but she didn't want to feel like she's a burden to them, but Rasa and his family reassured Hisui she isn't a burden and she's welcome to their home anytime and they still promise Hoshi they still treat Hisui like family and looked after her, Tsunade and Shizune were given a three-bedroom house with their extra room being turned into a kids room for Tsunade's grandkids while Kushina and Kimba were given a three-bedroom house Kushina also set up their kids bedroom and even a room for Fu who is staying with them as long as she likes, Jorogumo was giving a two-bedroom house giving to her height that a single apartment wouldn't do her well and she's been under surveillance to see if she could be trusted but so far she has been behaving well and had made some friends and even hangs out with Kaze, Hinata, and Hanabi as they volunteer to show her around and teach her how to be human but others living in Suna were frightened of the sight of Jorogumo who was an unusual person to them as they've never met or seen someone with her height but over time the shinobi and civilians had gotten used to her and have welcome Jorogumo like their own but not wanting to scare people because of her name Jorogumo had adopted that name Kumo Kinu - meaning 'Spider' and 'Silk' respectfully, on a nice sunny day Kumo went around the Sunset Market to get shopping done and had some company of a Root ANBU following her to keep an eye on her and trying to see if Suna should trust her or not but then Kumo bump into Kushina who was shopping with Yuki and Yuma as Kumo looked at them and they looked at her. "Oh... Lady Kushina, please beg my pardon; I should have watched where I was going," she said as Kushina giggled at her and waved her hand.
"It's alright, Kumo. I should have watched where I was going, too," Kushina said as she had Yuki in her left arm while holding Yuma with her right hand. Kumo chuckled, but she noticed something was off with Kushina, "Are you okay? You seemed a bit off, Lady Kushina?." she asked, looking concerned. "Please just call me Kushina. We're meant to be friends now," she said while Yuma hid behind her Mother. Yuki buried his head into his mother's neck. It had been a month, but not everyone fully trusted Kumo yet. Kumo crossed her arms at her stomach. "Something is going on, Kushina. I can tell that something is worrying you," she said as she didn't sound demanding, just concerned for her new friends, "Well... There have been reports recently of people going missing. I don't want to scare Yuki and Yuma with further details." she started as Kumo nodded in agreement, but then Kushina spoke up once more. "But since I have you here, please go see Lord Kazekage. He's been looking for you, and some of our family and friends asked you to see him if we found you," she said as Kumo was a little puzzled. "You all know where I live, though?." she said with a genuinely confused and puzzled expression. "We know that, but you're always out," she said as Kumo felt a little embarrassed, then she politely bowed. "I am deeply sorry. I am always out because I just want to be more human. I had Kaze, Hinata, Hanabi, or anyone else I know helping me to learn," Kumo explained as Kushina giggled, "It's okay, Kumo, you just need to go see him, no need to apologise." she said as Kumo straighten back up. Both women smiled at each other and then went their separate ways. "Well, seeing you're doing well has been lovely. Finally, we need to hang out more," Kushina said as she bowed respectfully. "I agree. I'll try and get my schedule open." Kumo said and giggled as she bowed respectfully to Kushina, Yuki, and Yuma. The trio went one way, and Kumo returned to her apartment, wanting to put away her shopping before seeing Rasa. Kumo finally returned home and put away, but then the ANBU guard who was on guard Kumo appeared crouched at her window as Kumo turned around to face her. "Something the matter, Spider?" she asked as the ANBU goes by the name 'spider' because of her fondness for spiders, and her mask has a spider image. "As much I don't want to hurry you, Kumo, you should get going to see Lord Kazekage," she said as Kumo lazily crossed her arms at her stomach.

Naruto: Legacy of the Sand
FanfictionNaruto was bullied and neglected by his own family and mistreated by his twin brother, leading Naruto to be forced out on the streets. One day, Naruto was found by the third Kazekage Rasa, his wife Karura, and their son Gaara, and they found it in t...