Chapter 2: Cafeteria Catastrophe

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Yin's POV

Lunchtime arrives, and against my better judgment, War insists on dragging me to the one place in the office I loathe the most - the cafeteria.

With a resigned sigh, I follow him to the bustling lunchroom, where the scent of overcooked food hangs heavy in the air.

As we settle into our seats at a grimy table in the corner, War launches into another one-sided conversation, his words a dizzying whirlwind of nonsensical chatter.

"You know, Yinnie",

I hate this nickname, and him...kinda.

"I've always thought that if cats could talk, they'd probably have a lot to say about the weather," he muses, poking at his lukewarm meal with disinterest.

I raise an eyebrow, wondering how on earth he comes up with this stuff.

"And speaking of weather, have you ever noticed how clouds kinda look like giant fluffy marshmallows?" War continues, gesturing animatedly with his fork.

I really want to point out the flaws in his logic but instead I focus on picking at my own unappetizing lunch.

Suddenly, War drops his fork with a clatter, his eyes widening as he gazes across the room.

"Wow, would you look at that?" he exclaims, his voice dripping with flirtatious charm.

I follow his gaze, expecting to see nothing more than the usual crowd of bored office workers.

But then I spot her - a stunningly beautiful woman, impeccably dressed and exuding an air of effortless elegance.

War's jaw practically hits the floor as he continues to gawk unabashedly, his usual smooth-talking persona momentarily forgotten.

"Isn't she just... wow," War stammers, his words trailing off into incoherent mumbling.

I can't help but chuckle at his sudden loss for words.

Leave it to War to be completely flustered in the presence of a beautiful woman.

"Come on, War," I say, nudging him playfully with my elbow.

"I thought you were the king of smooth talk. Go on, impress her with your witty banter."

War shoots me a look before straightening up in his seat, ready to spring into action.

But as he opens his mouth to speak, a loud crash echoes across the cafeteria, followed by a chorus of gasps and shouts.

We both turn to see what's caused the commotion, only to find that the beautiful woman has accidentally knocked over a towering display of fruit, sending apples and oranges rolling across the floor in every direction.

War's smooth-talking facade crumbles as he rushes to her aid.

On his way, unfortunately he trips and lands flat on his face, much to the amusement of the onlookers.

The woman quickly offers War a hand.

"Are you okay?" she asks.

War, red-faced and embarrassed, nods sheepishly as he accepts her help.

With a gentle smile, the woman leads War back to our table, where I watch with amusement as she seats him down and ensures he's settled comfortably.

Turning her attention to me, she rushes forward and envelops me in a warm hug.

"Yin, it's been too long!" she exclaims, her excitement contagious.

Returning her embrace, I smile warmly. "Mel, it's great to see you again."

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