Chapter 5: Same Family situations

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Yin's POV

It's midnight, and War and I are huddled under a sheet in my bedroom, our faces illuminated by the dim glow of a flashlight.

"Okay, War, here's the plan," I whisper, my voice barely above a whisper as we're plotting a top-secret mission.

War nods eagerly, his eyes shining with excitement. "I'm all ears, Yin. Lay it on me."

I clear my throat, as I launch into our master plan.

"Step one: Operation Escape Artist," I declare, holding up a finger for emphasis.

"We sneak out of the house before dawn and hide out in the garden until the coast is clear."

War nods in agreement, his eyes wide with anticipation. "Got it. Stealth mode engaged."

"Step two: Operation Disguise," I continue, unable to suppress a smirk as I imagine the hilarity that's about to unfold.

"We dress up as garden gnomes and blend in with the landscaping."

War's eyes light up at the suggestion, his lips curling into a mischievous grin. "Genius! No one will suspect a thing."

"Step three: Operation Distraction," I say.

"We create a diversion to keep everyone occupied while we make our grand escape."

War nods enthusiastically, his excitement palpable. "Consider it done. I'll bring the fireworks."

"Step four: Operation Liberation," I declare, feeling a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins as I lay out the final phase of our plan.

"We free ourselves from the shackles of parental control and embark on an epic adventure of our own making."

War pumps his fist in the air, a fierce determination burning in his eyes. "Let freedom ring!"

I can't help but smile proudly, while raising my eyebrows multiple times.

Suddenly, War yanks my head back with a theatrical flair.

"That's the most ridiculous plan I've ever heard," he declares, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

I scowl at him, rubbing the back of my head where he tugged a little too hard. "Hey, it's not that bad!"

War rolls his eyes, clearly unimpressed. "Trust me, Yin. We need a plan that's a little less... garden gnome and a little more... devious."

I sigh, realizing he's probably right. "Fine, then, Mr. Mastermind. What's your brilliant idea?"

A smug grin spreads across War's face as he leans in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper.

"Here's what we're gonna do," he declares, his voice low and conspiratorial. "I'll go to Mike, your bodyguard, and convince him to go to the Wong restaurant where the dinner will be held."

I nod, intrigued by his devious scheme. "And then what?"

"Then, I'll bribe the chef to add diarrhea pills to the dish that'll be served to your partner," War explains, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

I can't help but snicker at the absurdity of his plan. "Diarrhea pills? Seriously?"

War nods, his expression deadly serious. "Trust me, Yin. Nothing ruins a dinner party like explosive diarrhea."

I can't argue with that logic.

"But that's not all," War continues, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "We'll also spike your partner's drink with strong alcohol, enough to knock out an elephant."

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