Chapter 9: Locked out

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War's POV

As we pull up to the Wong mansion, I can already feel the tension starting to ease.

Finally, we're here.

The sanctuary where I can finally collapse into bed and forget this nightmare of a night.

But as we approach the gate, it doesn’t open.

Instead, a security guard walks over to us, carrying a tablet.

"Uh, what's going on?" I ask, feeling a pit form in my stomach.

The guard hands the tablet to Yin, who frowns and taps the screen.

It lights up, revealing a group video call with all our parents.


Just what we need.

Mrs. Wong is the first to speak. "Yin, War, you two are banned from the Wong mansion unless absolutely necessary."

"What?!" Yin and I shout in unison.

Mr. Wong steps in. "And Yin, I've blocked all your accounts. You won't have access to any funds until further notice."

I turn to look at Yin, who's gone pale, his mouth hanging open in shock.

I can't help it—I burst out laughing.

"Karma got you good, Yin!"

Just as I'm enjoying his misery, Alex's voice cuts through the speaker.

"The same applies to you, Warren."

I freeze, my laughter dying instantly.

"Wait, what?!"

Alejandro chimes in. "We've already bought an apartment with one bedroom and no couch. That's where you two will be living together."

Both Yin and I stare at the tablet, our faces mirroring the same horrified expression.

This can't be happening.

I feel like crying.

Mrs. Wong's voice softens, but there's still a hard edge to it. "You two need to learn responsibility and cooperation. Follow our instructions if you ever want your finances back in order."

Before either of us can protest, the call ends, and the screen goes black.

We just sit there, staring at each other with dropped jaws.

My mind is racing, trying to process the absurdity of it all.

Then, our phones ding simultaneously.

I look down and see a message with the address of our new apartment. Yin checks his phone and sighs deeply.

"This is a nightmare," he mutters.

I nod, feeling the weight of the situation settling in.

"A one-bedroom apartment? No couch? What were they thinking?"

Yin starts the car again, driving us towards our new "home".

As we pull away from the mansion, I can't help but feel a mix of dread and absurdity.

Life with Yin in a tiny apartment?

This is going to be.......

A disaster.


We finally pull up to our new "home," and I already know this isn't going to be good.

Yin and I step out of the car, dragging our feet as we approach the building.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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