Chapter 4: Dinner revelations.

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Yin's POV

As we sit around the dinner table, the atmosphere is unusually quiet.

The clinking of utensils against plates is the only sound filling the room, punctuated by the occasional polite cough or clearing of the throat.

I clear my throat, breaking the silence.

"So, Mom, Dad, what brings you back earlier than planned from your vacation?"

My parents share a knowing glance before my father speaks up, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

"Why? were you guys planning on having a nasty masochistic session tonight?"

I nearly choke on my food at his words, shooting him a scandalized look. "Dad, seriously?"

My parents burst into laughter at my reaction, clearly enjoying the opportunity to tease me.

So annoying.

"We actually came back earlier because we had some business to attend to," mom explains.

I raise an eyebrow, intrigued by her cryptic statement.

"Business? What kind of business? are you guys even capable of attending business", I ask cause since when.

Since when do they involve themselves with hard work.

"Hey we're pros in business.....just tired you know. we've been doing this for a long time." Dad says defensively.

I chuckle a bit,"Yeah sure."

"Enough fighting", my mother chimes in. "Well, Yin dear you see, when we were in Bali..."

War, who had been quietly enjoying his meal up until this point, suddenly chokes on a piece of food, his face turning red as he struggles to catch his breath.

"W-What's wrong, War?" my mother asks, concern evident in her voice as she rushes to his side.

War waves her off, his cheeks still flushed.

"It's nothing, Mrs. Wong. Just went down the wrong pipe, that's all."

Once War has regained his composure, my parents continue with their story.

"As I was saying, our friend in Bali has been incredibly successful in the business world," my mother explains, her voice filled with admiration.

"And they've expressed an interest in expanding their business ventures to include partnerships with companies outside of Bali."

My ears perk up at the mention of partnerships, my curiosity piqued.

"And you're thinking of partnering with them?"

My father nods, a proud smile spreading across his face.

"Yes, that's the plan. We believe that working together with our friend could be mutually beneficial for both parties."

Okay they actually are not so useless after all.

As my parents explain their plan for the partnership in Bali, I can't help but feel a surge of excitement.

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