Chapter 6: Earth you fucker

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Mistakes and typos ahead, I don't proofread.

War's POV

I strut into the restaurant like a mob boss, ready to handle business - family dinner style. They wanted me here early to reserve a table, as if I'm the maître d' of the family.

I've been ghosted by Yin all day.

Is our scheme to scare off his fiancé working?

Who knows? Right now, I've got to keep my cool and make sure the Wong family doesn't stumble upon my clan.

Thailand ain't big enough for both of us.

"Alexander booked a spot here," I inform the hostess, who gives me a slip with a table number like it's some top-secret intel.

I thank her and head in the direction she gestured.

But before I can locate our designated table, I spot a familiar figure.


Oh, crap! What's he doing here?

Wasn't he supposed to be waltzing through his engagement dinner right about now?

Panic mode activated.

He can't see my family.

Quick, I need an excuse.

Maybe I'll pull a fire alarm or unleash a swarm of bees-no, too dramatic.

I settle on a frantic call to my family, concocting a story about the restaurant going up in flames.

I whip out my phone to call Alex.


Oh no, no, no, no. Please, don't tell me he saw...

"What are you doing here?"

Fuckity, fuck, fuck. He saw me.

I awkwardly pocket my phone, plaster on the fakest smile I can manage and look up at him with faux shock.

"Oh, hey there, Yin! Fancy seeing you here!

"Where have you been all day and why are you here now?"

"Uh, you see, I, uh, I was just passing by and thought I'd, um, drop in for a quick bite to eat," I stutter, mentally kicking myself for not coming up with a better excuse.

Yin eyes me suspiciously, clearly not buying my feeble attempt at deception.

"Really? Passing by?" he repeats, his tone dripping with skepticism.

"Yeah, you know how it is. Just felt like grabbing a snack," I say with a nervous chuckle, internally cringing at how lame I sound.

Yin narrows his eyes at me, clearly not convinced by my flimsy excuse.

"Right..." he says slowly, clearly not convinced but willing to let it slide for now.

I breathe a sigh of relief, grateful that he's not pressing the issue any further.

I quickly sit opposite to him.

"So, uh, what are you doing here, anyway?" I ask, eager to change the subject and steer the conversation away from my questionable motives.

Yin sighs, his shoulders slumping in defeat.

"Well, it turns out the location for the engagement dinner got changed last minute," he explains, his expression one of resignation.

"Changed? But why?" I ask, genuinely curious.

Yin shrugs, a hint of annoyance creeping into his voice.

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