Chapter 8: Aftermath

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War's POV

Oh god, oh god, oh god.

This is bad.

Really bad.

I can’t believe this is happening to me right now.

Who knew those diarrhea pills would work so well?

Why did I think sabotaging Yin's engagement dinner with diarrhea pills was a good idea?

I clench my stomach as another wave of cramps hits me like a freight train.

And then, just when I think it can’t get any worse, there’s a knock on the cubicle door.

"War? Are you okay in there?" Yin's voice comes through.

I try to muster a response, but before I can utter a word, another explosive eruption happens, louder and more violent than before.

Oh no, Yin definitely heard that one.

"I'll take that as a no," Yin says, his voice muffled through the door.

"Do you need me to call an ambulance or something?"

I grit my teeth, trying to maintain some dignity in this humiliating situation.

"No, no ambulance," I manage to croak out. "Just... give me a minute."

"Okay tell me if you need anything "

I groan loudly. "Why didn't you stop me when I came up with this stupid plan? This is all your fault!"

Yin's voice takes on a defensive tone.

"Hey, we didn't know you were going to be my fiancée! Besides, I had an escape plan ready, but you insisted on the diarrhea pills!"

Another cramp hits me, and I shout in agony.

"Well, your escape plan was stupid too! Just get out of here and leave me alone!"

"Fine," Yin says, his voice fading as he retreats. "The bathroom was smelly anyway."

I slump against the toilet seat defeated and utterly embarrassed.

How did my life come to this? I contemplate my choices as I endure another round of explosive diarrhea, cursing the day I ever thought sabotaging an engagement dinner would be a good idea.

I sigh heavily, resigned to my fate.

Maybe next time, I’ll listen to Yin’s escape plans.

Anything would be better than this.


Yin's POV

As I walk back to the table, I take a deep breath, trying to compose myself.

War's explosive episode in the bathroom is the last thing I want to explain to everyone right now.

I can't risk us getting busted for trying to ruin my engagement dinner.

"Where's War?" Mom asks, looking up from her dessert.

I put on my best nonchalant face. "Oh, he just had to... use the restroom. He'll be back soon."

Emily narrows her eyes at me. "Is he okay? He looked pretty panicked."

"Yeah, he's fine," I say, waving a hand dismissively. "Probably just ate something that didn't agree with him."

Alex, always the doting mother, looks concerned. "Should we check on him?"

"No, no need," I quickly interject. "He just needs a few minutes."

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