Chapter 3: A Clash of Wills

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Yin's POV

As I push open the heavy oak doors to my office, a sight that's become all too familiar greets me. 

There sits War, hunched over his desk with a pout so deep that a fish would drown in it.

 A dark cloud of sulking hovering above him like a storm waiting to unleash its fury.

"What's got you looking like a soggy sandwich?" I quip, unable to resist poking fun at his sullen expression.

War glares at me, his eyes shooting daggers. "Oh, just the usual torture of having to endure your insufferable presence," he retorts, his voice thick with sarcasm.

I chuckle, unfazed by his attempts to ruffle my feathers. "Aw, is poor little War feeling neglected? Maybe I should get you a pacifier to suck on."

War's scowl deepens, and I can practically see the steam coming out of his ears. 

"Very funny, Yin. You should consider a career in stand-up comedy – at least then someone might actually laugh at your jokes."

I roll my eyes, resisting the urge to roll up my sleeves and engage in a full-blown brawl. "Careful there, War. You wouldn't want to hurt my delicate feelings."

"Please, Yin. You're about as delicate as a bulldozer in a china shop."

"But at least I don't go around flirting with lesbians." I fight back.

War's jaw drops in disbelief, his eyes widening in shock. "I can't believe you just said that." 

"You take that back, Yin!" he shouts, his voice echoing off the walls of the office.

But I can't help myself. 

The urge to push his buttons is just too strong. 

"Make me, War. Or are you too busy practicing your pickup lines on unsuspecting lesbians?"

"You fuck....!!!"

With a primal yell, War lunges at me, his arms flailing wildly as he attempts to tackle me to the ground.

I barely manage to sidestep his clumsy attack, sending him crashing into the wall with a resounding thud.

"Nice try, War," I taunt, unable to resist rubbing salt in the wound.

War's eyes narrow into slits as he picks himself up off the floor, his expression a mixture of rage and humiliation.

"Oh, it's on now, Yin," he snarls, his fists clenched at his sides.

I brace myself for his next move, but instead of launching another attack, War surprises me by lunging for the nearest object he can find – a potted plant sitting innocently on the corner of my desk.

With a battle cry that would put a banshee to shame, War hoists the plant above his head and charges at me like a deranged bull.

I barely have time to react before the plant comes crashing down on my head, showering me in a cascade of soil and foliage.

"Hey, watch it!" I shout, shaking dirt out of my hair as I stagger backwards.

But War isn't finished yet. 

With a maniacal gleam in his eyes, he advances on me, swinging the plant like a medieval flail.

I duck and weave, narrowly avoiding each swing as I frantically search for a way to defend myself.

Finally, I spot my salvation – a rubber chicken sitting on the edge of my desk, its beady eyes staring up at me with an almost mocking expression.

Without hesitation, I snatch up the chicken and brandish it like a weapon, ready to face my opponent head-on.

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