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kokichi stared into the water, his mind getting lost in the mesmerising ripples and streams of water falling down the fountain. kokichi didn't want to accept his death. he wanted to do the opposite. he didn't want to accept being killed by this killing game so easily. but what else could he really do? kokichi couldn't fight back mentally or physically. and sure he was smart enough to murder someone but he was also smart enough to know that was a horrible idea.

so he watched the ripples of the water. and he listened as the sound of the water splashing synced up with the ticking off the electronic clock monokuma had placed on the screen. he continued to listen and watch and swing his legs until a more unpleasant sound infiltrated his bubble of tense serenity. popping it.

the sound of harsh, lifeless, metallic feet clanking against the floor of the temple approaching him at a rapid pace. and the even harsher and robotic sound of a loud voice addressing him. "hello kokichi."

kokichi groaned throwing his head back and tilting his body till he could feel the tips of his hair touch the water then throwing his body back up again.

"what do you want keeboy? im tryyyingg to enjoy the last moments of my life!" kokichi spat in a playful tone that didn't really sound all to playful at all, more stressed. well his fake tone wasn't too unordinary, he was a liar after all. but that previous statement had only sort of been a lie. he didn't care too much about how he spent the last moments of his life to be completely honest. in the grand scheme of things these moments would just be a small percentage of many that didn't matter.

but as much as much as he didn't really care about the last moments of his life he definitely didn't wanna die in the company of keebo. in his mind dying alone was lonely enough anyway, but dying in the company of a robot? that would be even lonelier. been so lonely that you spend the last moments of your life with a robot!? a literal ai!? being so lonely you spend your dying moments with a knock off person is 10x worse then dying alone!

so when keebo said "i knew you wouldn't be the happiest to talk to me kokichi.. but i thought you wouldn't want to be alone. no person would want to be alone when they die right?" kokichi could feel his facial features twist unpleasantly and struggled to keep in the groan of annoyance. there was no way keebo was seriously pulling this "human" bullshit right before they were gonna die? or whatever that meant for keebo? going offline for a while? whatever.

"how would YOU know what a person would feel before they were gonna die huh keeboy? what did you absorb a book on psychology? wow your almost a real boy! too bad that your gonna get your systems rebooted before that happens!" kokichi spat even harsher then his last sentence his words laced with venom as he hopped off the fountain and stepped closer to keebo until he was looking up at him and scowling his hands intertwined behind his back.

"kokichi thats robophobic, please can you stop with the immaturity especially at a time like this! and i know what a person would feel like before they're about to die because i am experiencing the exact same thing right now kokichi!" keebo stated assertively his robotic voice even and clear as day as he made eye contact with kokichi throughout his whole spiel.

"god are you not even gonna drop the human act right before we all get obliterated, you really are one stubborn piece of useless junk!" kokichi snapped as he shoved his finger into keebos chest repeatedly.

"please keep your fingers to yourself kokichi. and it is not an act! i am a person! please get that through your head!" keebo retorted as he grabbed kokichi's
finger that was previously poking his chest.

"eurghhhh!!!! just give it upp keeboyyy! have you really just come here to waste the last moments of my very precious and treasured life!?" kokichi complained as he ripped his finger out of keebos harsh grip and held it tightly to his own chest.

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