chapter 1

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Lisa pov
It was a normal day for me go to work which is at the coffee shop..........well i thought its a normal day until..........

Lisa was walking to go to the coffee shop when a black limo stopped beside her...........the man that was driving let down the window and ordered lisa to go inside....lisa followed..........

Lisa:i already told you i just want to live a normal life(cold tone)
Unknown:are you crazy we are the richest people here in our country but your working at a freaking coffee shop
Lisa:dad please let me be i just want to experience a normal life
Mr manoban:haysss look sweetheart it i know that but what of something happens to you
Lisa:dad i know what i am doing...but thank you dad for not being mad at me
Mr manoban:no way your mom will kill me and plus i love you so so much kiddo
Lisa:aww i love you too dad

Lisa hugged her dad

Lisa:talking about mom where is she
Mr manoban:at home she wants to get her beauty rest
Lisa:well very understandable,i got to go now dad
Mr manoban:okay but-
Lisa:yeah yeah if i need help you guys are just one call away
Mr manoban:thats my girl,now go
Lisa:okay bye dad love you

Lisa kissed mr manobans cheeck then went out of the car and went straight to the coffee shop when lisa got inside she was welcomed by her bestfriend jisoo....

Lisa:hey chu
Jisoo:hi lisa lets start our work we have a long day ahead of us
Lisa:i agree

Jisoo knows about lisas because lisa told her jisoo was surprised but didnt mind that her bestfriend was a billionaire all jisoo cares about is lisa has a great personality......

The day continued normally lisa serving and making coffee for the people,there are also some regular costomer that adore lisa because of her funny and amazing personality.

The day ended and finally it was night time jisoo went home and also some employees,lisa stayed for a while because she has nothing to do in her house........lisas house is not really as big as her dad or her mansion but it was perfect for a few people to live in

(Author:by the way guys i forgot to say lisa has a house i will show the pic)

(Author:by the way guys i forgot to say lisa has a house i will show the pic)

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While lisa was cleaning the counter someone walked in with a little girl......

Lisa:hello maam welcome to LM coffee shop what can i get you.
Unknown:um i would like a latte and my daughter would like a cookie pls
Lisa:well amazing order what is your name maam so i can put it in a cup
Lisa:oh okay

Lisa was preparing the order then deliver it to the woman and the little girl

Lisa:here is your order maam

Lisa gave the latte to jennie...

Lisa:and here is your cookie little one

Lisa handed the cookie to the little girl

Jennie:thank you,ruby say thank you
Ruby:thank you
Lisa:you are absolutely welcome

Lisa went back to the counter jennie and ruby went up to the counter when they were done eating and paid for the order..

Lisa:thank you maam come again soon
Ruby:yeah we will food tasted so good(cute voice)
Lisa:awhh thank you
Jennie:we will get going now say bye ruby

Lisa was on her way home when she heard that someone is calling her phone

Lisa:oh hello dad
Mr manoban:sweetheart we kinda have a problem here
Lisa:huh what is it dad
Mr manoban:well its about your grandma
Lisa:haysssss okay dad im going there
Mr manoban:im sorry for the trouble my dear we didnt know that she will be here
Lisa:oh its no problem dad,i love nana the only problem is she always asked me about marriage or having a partner or a baby,cant nana understand that im gay(laugh)
Mr manoban:welp i guess your nana still dont get it..(laugh

Lisa ended the call and went to manobans mansion/mr and mrs manobans house and also lisa

Lisa ended the call and went to manobans mansion/mr and mrs manobans house and also lisa

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When lisa went inside the house she was greeted by her grandma and her family....

Lisa:hello nana

Lisa went and hugged her grandma then went up to her mom and dad and hugged them too.

Grandma:owh look at you my beautiful grandaugter

Grandpa suddenly went inside and said....

Grandpa:owh look at my grandaughter so handsome and beautiful
Lisa:(laugh)sorry grandma but i like granpas complement better
Grandma:aishhh as always but you do know why we are here right
Lisa:grandma like i said im not
Grandma:yeah2 youre not straight but can you just get a partner in life lalisa youre getting old
Lisa:yah!im not that old grandma
Grandpa:but how about a grandchild
Lisa:granpa i dont even have a partner yet
Grandma:then just adopt we dont care we just want another manoban
Lisa:just a bit more time nana i can feel it

Grandma:aisshh fine aside from that you do know the KM company
Lisa:yeah nana
Grandma:well i want you to work for them dont worry they wont know that youre a manoban i just said that i know someone who is perfectly fit for the position
Lisa:but nana im okay at the coffe shop
Grandpa:your nana and i know that but you said you want to live a normal life well we want you to try out working at a company
Mrs manoban:mom and dad is right sweetheart lets all be honest here you are not an ordinary person youre a manoban at the end of the day the people will still know about your identity
Mr manoban:your mom is right dear take it as a practice for you to work at a company

Lisa couldnt say no because what they were saying was all right she cant hide from being a manoban forever but atleast for now she is happy that she can atleast try out the normal life........

Lisa:okay ill take the job,by the way nana what is the job about
Grandma:you will be the personal asistant of jennie kim
Lisa:oh jennie
Grandpa:have you meet her dear
Lisa:yeah she went to my coffee shop with her daughter and ordered
Mr manoban:kinda sucks because manoban and kim are arranged to be married bit you chose to live a normal life
Lisa:thank you for understanding me guys i couldnt wish for a better family
Grandma:we are always here for you dear dont have a second thought if you need help we are just one call away

The manoban family happily eat dinner while talking.......

Lisa was still nervous about the idea of being jennie kim personal asistant but she cant do anything she will just do her best.............

Hi readers this is the first chapter of "secret billionaire"as most of you requested hopefully you will like it

Thank you guys for the support🥰🥰🥰

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