chapter 10

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Third persons pov
Jennie hugged lisa tightly and then said....

Jennie:what are you doing here

She said while tears started streaming down her face

Lisa:i promised you remember

Jennie didnt say anything and just hugged lisa..after was very surprised to see lisa...

Mr kim:oh um he hello miss manoban

Said nervously...lisa looked at him coldy and then said..

Lisa:lets get straight to the point mr kim...lets all be honest you dont love your daughter your just using him for your own good

When the kims heard this they were angry but they cant do anything because there dealing with a manoban.....lisa took out a brown envelope and put it on the table infront of mr and mrs kim....while lisas parents was just looking at them with smirks in there faces..

Lisa:is this what you need so you can stay away from jennie

When mr and mrs kim saw what was inside the envelope they smiled evily and said..

Mr kim:yes

Lisa was furios when she heard it..

Lisa:you bastards you just care for money more than your daughter...well if thats what you want here..

Lisa slammed the brown envelope in front of them..

Lisa:but mr kim...i know one day you will regret it

Mr and mrs kim didnt listen all there focus was on the envelope that was full of richest like a paper to a mansion a check for how many millions and more...but lisa didnt care about the freaking money she has way more than that...

Jennie:did you guys even loved me
Mrs kim:i dont know
Mr kim:well you werent planned jennie and we didnt have any choice and plus you are useless so we just used you for bussiness

When lisa heard this she grabbed mr kims collar and punched him....mrs manoban was holding ruby so she covered rubys eyes..

Lisa:how dare you say that to your own daughter....this will be the last time you will see jennie.

Lisa holds jennies hand and went out....lisa dragged jennie to her car and drove off....lisa then called her mom to take care of ruby for a bit....lisa took jennie to a peaceful place at the back of a secret place which only the manobans only knows...

Lisa:you okay jen

Jennie looked at lisa and hugged her tightly..

Jennie:thank you for coming back and saving me lis
Lisa:i will never break a promise especially if its about you and ruby jen

Jennie just hugged lisa and cried in her suit..

Lisa:shhhh stop crying im here now no one can hurt you
Jennie:i know lis im just thankful

Fast forward 8:30pm

Lisa drove jennie to the manobans mansion where ruby was at...when they arrived they say ruby playing with lisas parents and grandparents and you can see in rubys eyes how happy she is....

Lisa:looks like someone is having so much fun

Ruby looks at the door and saw jennie and lisa.... she quickly ran towards them and hugged them....ruby then asked for lisa to carry her....

Lisa:how are you sweetheart
Ruby:really fun spending timw with grandma and grandpa
Mr manoban:its okay jennie we asked her to call us that right honey
Lisa grandma:oh this little angle is such a smart girl jennie you raised her up so well

Jennie was still in shock how the manobans accepted her that quickly...

Jennie:thank you very much
Lisas grandma:oh its okay you can call me grandma dear
Mr manoban:also you can call me dad
Mrs manoban:how about me,you can also call me mo jennie

Jennie was amazed by this family...

Jennie:oh okay thank you so much
Mrs manoban:its not a big deal dear
Lisas grandpa:who ever our grandaughter loves is a part of our family
Mr manoban:thats true but i think its time for us to take some rest dont you think
Lisas grandma:yes i agree my back is kinda hurting
Lisa:grandma your back always hurts

They just laughed at what lisa says

Mrs manoban:how about you jen are you gonna stay here for the night
Jennie:as much as i want to mom but i still have some things to fix
Mr manoban:okay,but if you need someone to take care of ruby our home is always open
Lisa:do you want to visit them again sweetheart
Ruby:yes yes yes of course i want

They giggled at the cuteness of ruby

Lisa:okay,but for now you guys need to rest,mom,dad,grandpa,and grandma we will get going now i still need to drive this two.
Mr manoban:okay2 drive safe okay

They hugged each other first including jennie and then went to lisas car....

While driving

Lisa:you sleepy jen
Jennie:kinda im still kind of surprise of the things that just happend
Lisa:im sorry if this is not the way you planned your birthday
Jennie:no need to be sorry lis this is the best birthday gift i could ever ask for thank you
Lisa:anything for you

Lisa then took jennies hand and kissed her hand while driving....

Author:thats all for todays update

Last update for todays week

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