chapter 2

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Third person pov
Today lisa will start her first day at work in km company,while the coffee shop she left it with jisoo....lisa was still kinda nervouse in meeting jennie kim,well yes they meet but only one time at the coffee shop.......Lisa was now entering the company

Lisa:um hi miss im lalisa manoban the new personal asistant of miss jennje kim
Employee:oh about that i hope you wont mind to wait for a bit because miss jennies daughter is missing and there still finding her
Lisa:oh no why?
Employee:its is the first time that miss jennies daughter will visiy here seems like the little girl got lost inside this company
Lisa:oh okay no problem i will wait in the waiting area
Employee:thank you we will just call you if you can go inside
Lisa:oh okay

Lisa was now walking to the waiting room when she felt that she needed to go to the bathroom.....when lisa was done she went out then she heard that there was a little voice crying....she followed the sound it lead to a dark room its seems like a storage room of the employee it is very hidden because its at the back of the waiting room.......

Lisa:hi little girl

When the little girl showed her face,lisa immediatly know who was it,it was ruby jennie kims daughter.....

Lisa:oh ruby
Ruby:how did you know name(asked in a baby voice)
Lisa:oh im the owner of the coffee shop remember
Ruby:ow reawwy
Lisa:yes really,are you lost my dear
Lisa:want to come with me i can get you back to your mom office

Lisa held rubys hand then they went out of the storage room,wheb the employee saw them she asked lisa where ruby was then lisa told the whole story,the employee said that she can take ruby back to miss jennie but lisa said she got it.....lisa and ruby are now on the elevator jennies office was still at floor 10...........

Author:By the way guys whenever ruby speaks just imagine that she has a baby voice

Ruby:um mis
Lisa:oh you can call me unnie
Ruby:oh yay unnie what are you doing here
Lisa:oh well im jere for a job
Ruby:job what job?
Lisa:im your mom's personal assitant
Ruby:ow really that mean we will see each other more often
Lisa:if your mom will let you come to this company again
Ruby:what that mean
Lisa:(laugh)do you think that your mom will let you go here again after what happend
Ruby:hey that mean(pout)
Lisa:aww you look you cute when you pout (tickles ruby)

Lisa and ruby are now at jennies office.....they knoced in then the door opened......when ruby saw her mother she ran up to her and gave her a tight hug......

Ruby:hi mommy
Jennie:oh my baby where were you
Ruby:i dont know but unnie lisa helped me

Ruby pointed at lisa who was at the door

Jennie:oh come in

Lisa went inside and bowed to jennie

Jennie:oh you dont need to do that
Lisa:its okay,by the way good morning maam
Jennie:good morning too but please just call me jennie
Lisa:wouldnt it be rude?
Jennie:oh not at all your my personal assistant in short you will know everything about me so please just call me by my name
Lisa:oh okay jennie
Jennie:oh where are my manners please sit down

Lisa sat down at the chair infront of jennies table.....jennie also sat down with ruby in her arms.....

Jennie:your name is lalisa manoban right?
Lisa:oh yes but you can call me lisa
Jennie:okay lisa youre already accepted but i have one question
Jennie:where did you find mt daughter
Lisa:oh i saw her behind the waiting room i think it was the storage room
Jennie:omg i already told my past assitant about that problem but of course she didnt solve it
Lisa:oh thats no problem jennie i can help with that
Jennie:really but i dont want to give you a hard time in your first day
Lisa:its really fine by me
Jennie:thank you lisa
Lisa:no problem
Jennie:by the way you will meet the ceo/my father later this 1pm
Lisa:okay jennie
Jennie:okay you can now take your lunch
Lisa:oh but before that do you want me to buy your lunch
Jennie:hmm i dont like eating take out food
Lisa:in that case ill cook
Jennie:wait do you know how to cook
Lisa:oh just watch me cook

Jennies office is big it has a living room and a kitchen of course a bathroom.....

Lisa:do you eat kimchi fried rice
Jennie:i love kimchi fried rice

Lisa started cooking its normal for lisa to cook because its her passion but one thing lisa was surprised about is...jennie is not a cold type of person she has a very light aura compared to other ceos daughter........when lisa was done cooking she gave jennie the food.....

Lisa:here is your food jennie
Jennie:thank you
Lisa:no biggy,ill get going now im going to have lunch

When lisa went out....jennie tried the kimchi fried rice and yet she was amazed on how good it is...well jennie already new that lisa makes good cookies because she have tried one before in her coffee shop but she didnt expect lisa to be good in cooking meals too........when jennie was done eating it was already 2pm.......

Lisa:hello jen

Lisa said when she entered the room

Jennie:oh hi by the way do i have any meetings today
Lisa:oh yes the time of your meeting will be on 2:45pm
Jennie:oh okay please ready tell one of the employees to arrange the meeting room
Lisa:all done i already told them awhile ago

While they were talking suddenly ruby woked up from her sleep......

Jennie:oh excuse me for a bit lisa
Lisa:go on

Jennie went to ruby and carried her...jennie then went back to her seat while ruby was on her lap

Ruby:mommy i want to go out
Jennie:you cant go there alone sweetheart you will get lost again
Ruby:then come with me
Jennie:i cant i have a meeting in 10 minutes

Ruby was about to cry,they were tears ij her eyes when lisa suddenly talked...

Lisa:excuse me jen,but if youd like i can take ruby out for walk,dont worry im not gonna kidnap her or something
Lisa:but if i take ruby out how about your meeting can you handle it without an assistant
Jennie:dont worry about it i can handle it myself
Lisa:suit yourself,come on ruby lets go out

Ruby wants to go but she wants to be carried....

Jennie:ruby you know how to walk,dont give your unnie lisa a hard time

Ruby then pouted

Lisa:(laugh)its okay jen i can handle this little one

Lisa the poked rubys nose causing her to giggle.

Jennie:are you sure?
Lisa:a hundread percent
Jennie:okay here

Jennie then gave ruby to lisa....lisa carried ruby and walked towards the door.....

Lisa:say bye to mommy for now ruby
Ruby:bye bye mommy(giggles)
Jennie:(giggles)okay bye bye sweetheart have a fun time

Ruby nodded then they went out.....

Jennie was just smiling when lisa and ruby went out,it seems weird because ruby never acted like that to a person so jennie was kinda surprised on her daughter,s behavior towards lisa.....

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