chapter 5

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5 months have passed lisa and jennie became closer to each other...and ruby really loves lisa...

Jennie keeps on calling lisas phone number but she wasnt answering....until 30mins finally lisa answered

On call
Lisa:jen why?
Jennie:why are you not at work?
Lisa:im sorry jen im not feeling well
Jennie:what! You should have told me
Lisa:its okay jen its nothing serious more on just a fever
Jennie:okay im going there
Lisa:no youre not just continue working its not a big deal
Jennie:yeah2 ill go there nothing can stop me lis,ruby is with her nana(maid)
Okay so bye

When jennie was done with a short meeting she immediatly went to lisa place,she already new where it is because she have been there with ruby...jennie walked inside the house and went to lisa bedroom and knocked but no one answered she slightly opened the door and saw lisa sleeping..jennie put her hand bag to the table and went down to cook lisa some soup.......when jennie was done cooking she went back to lisas room and woke lisa up....

Jennie:lisa wake up i made you some soup
Lisa:oh jen you didnt have to be here but thanks
Jennie:no problem lisa come on and just finish your food

Jennie and lisa were talking while lisa was still eating the soup that jennie maid when someone called jennies phone...

Jennie:excuse me lis

Lisa nodded,jennie went to the balcony and when she answered it she realised that it was her father...

Mr kim:jennie! Come here to the mansion right now
Mr kim:no buts jennie kim!

Jennie sighed and off the call she went back to lisa and said...

Jennie:lis i got to go now my parents are asking me to go to there house
Lisa:its okay jen,drive safely okay i would love to drive yoh but im still weak
Jennie:i can handle myself lis but thanks if there is time i will visit you here in the evening
Lisa:my house is always open for you
Jennie:it better be but im off now bye lisa
Lisa:bye jen

Jennie went to her car and drove to thier house ruby was still at daycare because it was still 4pm ruby went to daycare at 3:30pm

When jennie arrived at there house she saw kai again and at that point she knew what was going on

Mr kim:that it jennie! You will marry kai you like ot or not
Mrs kim:im sorry jen
Jennie:why! Why do you guys always ruin my fucking life

Mr kim slapped jennie

Mr kim:i said you like it or not

Mr kim,mrs kim and kai went out to the balcony to talk..jennie just stood there with angry tears in jer eyes but she hold it she called the maid of her daughter and said to bring ruby home because she was going somewhere........jennie went out and went to her car,she sitted im the driver seat and drove to lisas house....but she is not gonna tell lisa whats gonna happen.....when jennie arrived she went straight to lisas room...

Lisa:whats wrong jen
Jennie:nothing wrong lis

Lisa held jennies hand and said

Lisa:this may be weird to say considering the fact that i have a fever but jennie i would like to say that....I LIKE YOU JENNIE NO I MEAN I LOVE YOU JEN
Jennie:wha what?
Lisa:its okay jen if you dont like me back but i hope you wont stay away from me
Jennie:lis im sorry(teary eyes)i like you too but...
Jennie:lisa dad is serious abour the marriage between me and kai i love you lis if dad would let me pick i would always pick you but lis i cant dad is to powerful(said crying)

Lisa just looked at jennie with eyes that was full of love you can see in lisas eyes that they were no anger just pure understanding and love......lisa hugged jennie and said...

Lisa:its okay jennie be strong please remember that you have ruby
Jennie:lisa i want you but how!?

Lisa lifted jennies chin to look at her and then said...

Lisa:jen let destiny decide for us for now please
Lisa:shhhhh i have a feeling destiny will choose our path okay..

Lisa then hugged jennie again and kissed her forehead

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