chapter 8

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Third persons pov
Jennie was done with the meeting and went back to her office,when she entered she saw ruby was already sleeping well it was already 7:30 pm..rose was just playing with her phone when she saw jennie..

Rose:oh hey jen,lets have dinner first i ordered some foods for already arrived at 7:25 pm so i just waited for you
Jennie:thank you unnie

Jennie and rose went to the table to eat,while they were eating rose looked at jennie who was being quite and is thinking deeply...

Rose:are you thinking about lisa?

Jennie was surprised when she heard lisas name come out from rose...

Jennie:how did you know about lisa unnie

Rose looked and pointed ruby who was sleeping..

Rose:jen you daughter is smart she can easily tell of something has changed to her mommy even though you wont let her feel or tell her about it
Jennie:hayss yes unnie its about lisa
Rose:can you tell me what happend between you two
Jennie:well(told everything)

Rose was just listening to jennie while jennie shared the story about her and lisa...well ofcourse rose knew all of this because of the call she had with lisa but she pretended that she didnt know anything in order to hide that she and ruby has connections with lisa...asper lisa said not to tell jennie about it...

Rose:you know what jen,i believe lisa will comeback
Jennie:unnie i also wish for that but its already been 5 months unnie
Rose:do you believe in lisa jen?
Jennie:ofcourse unnie i know lisa too well i know she wont break any promises
Rose:sooo believe in her jen i know she will be back as soon as you know it
Jennie:there is also one problem unnie
Rose:what is it?

Jennie:unnie dad and mom is final with the agreement of force marriage me and kai....unnie i need lisa now i need her to fight with me unnie....(teary eyes)
Rose:how much time do you have left before you get married
Jennie:3 months unnie
Rose:jen be strong pls lisa will come back mark my words jen okay
Jennie:okay unnie i trust you

Rose then hugged jennie

Fast forward
Jennie went home and tucked ruby inti bed when jennie was about to get out she heard ruby talking it seems that ruby was awaked

Ruby:mommy are you now going to sleep
Jennie:ah yes baby why?
Ruby:can i sleep with you in your room
Jennie:ofcourse baby lets go

Jennie and ruby went to jennies bedroom and ruby hugged her mommy and went to sleep,while jennie was looking at her phone with teary eyes she forcing her tears not to come out because if she will cry ruby will wake up and ask what happend....jennie was teary eyed because she was sending some messages to lisas old phone number which lisa promise that she will always read......jennie knows that lisa is still there because she still kept reading jennies message but lisa would never reply.......jennie couldnt helped it and she cried ruby woked up and hugged her mommy.....

Ruby:its okay mommy unnie lisa will be back
Jennie:how did you know i was thinking about lisa sweetheart
Ruby:i know you too well mommy,do you know mommy why i dont get sad whenever i think of unnie lisa
Ruby:because unnie lisa made a promise and i know unnie will nevet break a promise....unnie lisa taught me that breaking a promise to someone is bad and that she will never do it and she told me to never do that too
Jennie:its seems like lisa taughted you a lot of things
Ruby:ofcourse mommy so dont be sad she will comeback
Jennie:ruby what if lisa will comeback and asked me to be her girlfriend are you okay with that?
Ruby:yes yes yes! Ofcourse mommy i love unnie lisa and if you guys will be together i will have a happy family i can even call her dada....(giggless)
Jennie:lets just hope she will come back
Ruby:i know she will mommy

Jennie just hugged ruby and went to sleep.....

Jennie definately raised ruby so well that even at a young age ruby has a very matured IQ but that doesnt mean ruby is not enjoying her childhood...despite jennies problem she never forgets about her daughter life she always spend time with ruby if she has time....every special occasions of ruby she never missed it despites her busy schedules and meeting..

Author:sorry guys if this chapters are mostly short chapters i dont have enough time to make long ones but im gonna be making more chapters hopefully if im not too busy

143 guys 🥰🥰

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