chapter 4

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Jennie's pov
I woke up late good thing my notification keeps on ringing...when i look at my phone on who keeps on texting me...i saw that it was lisa...

On chat:
Lisa:hey jennie wake up!
Lisa:your going to be late!

And many more

Jennie decided to reply to lisa

Jennie:i know lisa calm down i dont have a lot of meetings today
Lisa:what do you mean why is there a man here named kai
Jennie:ugh! That guys again!
Lisa:huh whats wrong with him do you want me to tell him to go
Jennie:no lis ill go now,ill explain to your later
Lisa:k you said it

Jennie prepared her outfit and went to her daughter room to kiss her and then told the maids to take good care of ruby....then jennie went out,and drove to the company.........when jennie arrived at her office she immediatly saw kai with flowers in his hands then lisa just sitting in a chair......

Lisa:oh good morning jen
Kai:give respect to your boss!
Jennie:Kai! Stop i told her to call me that

Kai stopped and just looked at lisa with angry eyes....

Jennie:um lis can you get out for a moment
Lisa:uh yeah sure call me if you need anything

Lisa went out

Kai:flowers for you
Jennie:i dont want it what are you doing here?
Kai:im your future husband jen
Jennie:i didnt agree in this stupid arranged married with you kai!

Kai suddenly slapped jennie

Kai:you like it or not you will be my wife no one will help you all of your family likes me for you
Jennie:i hate you!
Kai:i love you too

When they were talking they didnt know lisa was secretly listening...well she had a feeling that something will happen well she was right about that...when she heard kai coming she went away from the door and went to the comfort room...then when she saw that kai already went out the company.... she then went straight to jennie...there she saw jennie crying in one corner she then went to jennie and sat down with her....

Lisa:hayss im sorry to say this jennie but your life sucks
Jennie:i know lis i hate this life the only reason im still living is just for my daughter(says while there is tears in her eyes)
Lisa:can i hug you

Jennie just nodded,lisa proceded to hug jennie....

Lisa:its okay jen but why wont you agree to marry kai hes rich,and seems like and ideal man,your family likes him and many more
Jennie:lis im not into people who os like that im more to kind people with golden hearts and i dont want to be arranged married to kai,i know kai too well because he was a bully when we were still high school,seems like he didnt even change a bit
Lisa:aishh stop crying now,if ruby sees you like this she will not stop asking you
Jennie:youre right lisa,im not in the mood to work lis can you bring me to a special place that can help me relax
Lisa:okay wipe your tears and lets go

Lisa and jennie went to the car,jennie is at the passenger seat besides lisa ehile lisa is the one driving...

Jennie:lis where are we going
Lisa:it will be a surprise

Lisa drove to a place when jennie saw it her mouth drop on how the view is so beautiful..

Jennie:its very peaceful here lisa how did you know this place
Lisa:yeah this is a very peaceful place not many people go here and we are lucky today that no one is here so you can relax more
Jennie:thank you lisa

Jennie and lisa sat down then started talking...

Lisa:jen wont your parents let you date on your own
Jennie:they wont lisa they will only agree to it if he or she is rich and has a company
Lisa:what do you mean by he or she?
Jennie:my parents dont care about what gender they will arranged married me to but the only important thing to them is money
Lisa:im sorry jen
Jennie:to be honest ruby was not planned at all i dont want to say this but ruby was an accident that doesnt change the fact that i love my daughter so much lis i would do anything to protect her
Lisa:i know that jen,but what are you gonna do now about the arranged married between you and kai
Jennie:i dont know lis

Lisa and jennie just kept talking to each other until they watched the sunset....

Lisa thought"i hope i can help you someday jen im sorry im not yet prepared to tell you what or who i am"

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