chapter 11

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Flash back(on how lisa came back and where did lisa go)

Lisa pov
I needed to leave jennie for our own sake but i promised her that i would come back,and i will but for now i need to still fix myself.

Third persons pov

After lisa and jennies talk in the company..few days later lisa went to thailand to study about there company and to learn how manobans normally live there lives,after lisa learned everything she needs to know,thats when rose called her about the arranged married..lisa was ready to go back to korea so she did..but before she went to jennie a few days after she went to her parents and asked for help to get jennie back and help her to not make the arranged marriage between kai and jennie....


Lisa went inside there house luckly manobans were complete at that time and was eating there diner..

Mrs manoban:oh lisa what are you doing here
Grandpa:ohh lets lisa eat with us first
Mrs manoban:oh right come dear

Lisa sat down at the dining table

Grandma:what are you doing here lisa
Mr manoban:you need our help
Grandpa:what kind of help
Lisa:well.....(explained everything)

Manobans were shock by what lisa said...

Mr manoban:oh wow,i love how your willing to sacrifice for jennie
Lisa:you did said that i cant hide being a manoban forever so mite aswell introduce my self to them
Mrs manoban:are you sure with your decession
Lisa:yes mom,so will you guys help me?

Manobans:ofcourse we will

Mr manoban:dont worry lis we got you soo whats the plan.

Lisa told the plan.

Mrs manoban:okay sweetheart but make sure you will arrived on time
Lisa:of course i will mom.


Fast forward on rubys birthday(ps:jennie and rubys birthday are close to each other just 6 days apart)

Lisa pov
I opened my phone and saw notifications coming from jisoo...

Jisoo:lisa,today is rubys birthday right?
Lisa:yeah jisoo,by the way rose and je nie called me and told me to invite you to rubys birthday party
Jisoo:really rose said that
Lisa:and jennie
Jisoo:oh yeah and jennie
Lisa:haysss but are you going
Jisoo:ofcourse duh
Lisa:okay..chu can you buy a pink rolex in rolex store
Jisoo:lisa i dont have that kind of money🤣
Lisa:i will send you money just buy the rolex because i cant go to the store today
Lisa:because im gonna go to jennies house...we still need to wake up ruby
Jisoo:is this rolex your gift?
Lisa:Correction thats ONE OF MY GIFTS i have many morw things to give to ruby
Jisoo:you surely are spoiling ruby
Lisa:come on jisoo ofcourse i money useless if i dont use it for meaningfull stuffs
Jisoo:okay..send me the money lis cause i will now go to the store
Lisa:thanks chu

lisa sends the money to jisoo and they ended the chat..

Lisa wore something comfortable...well considering the fact that it was still 7:00 am ruby is still asleep by now...but lisa wants to go and wake up ruby by herself...jennie doesnt also know about this.....lisa went inside her car and drove to the nearest cake shop and bought a cake just for the morning surprise....lisa already has one gift to give ruby later..lisa is now holding the cake and the gift and knocked in the door.....

Jennie pov
I was having a nice sleep when i heard a knock on our door...i looked at my phone it was still 7:20 am its still super early if its the party planner....she went to the door and opened it..she was very surprised when she saw lisa holding a cake...a box...and two boquets of flowers amd is baby pink and one is purple..

Jennie:lis what are you doing here this early the party is still at 6 pm

Jennie opened the door for lisa and lisa went inside put all the stuffs on the table....she then went to jennie and kissed her forehead then hugged her....after that she went and got ine of the boquet of flowers and gave it to jennie....jennie accepted the flowers and hugged lisa again...

Lisa:well i wanted to wake up ruby with a morning greeting
Jennie:you really didnt have to
Lisa:owh come on love let ruby enjoy this day full of surprises and fun stuffs
Jennie:well if you say so

Author:thats it for now

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