chapter 3

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Third persons pov
Lisa took ruby outside to go for a walk there was a near by park so lisa took ruby there while they were walking towards the park ruby saw an ice cream shop and wanted to go.....

Ruby:unnie can i buy ice cream
Lisa:okay come
Lisa:what flavor would you like?
Ruby:strawberry please

Lisa bought the ice cream and gave it to ruby then they walked until they arrived in the park.

Ruby:can i go play now
Lisa:okay but be careful okay

Ruby went towards the playground in the park and started to play......lisa sat on a bench watching ruby......when suddenly a man approached ruby and tried to talk to her....lisa approched ruby and asked the man....

Lisa:um hello sir but do you know this kid
Unknown:oh yes yes i do
Lisa:whats your name?
Unknown: V
Lisa:do you know anyone named V ruby

V took of her mask,ruby saw who he was then ruby hurriedly asked lisa to carry her.....lisa saw this so lisa carried ruby.....

Lisa:what happend ruby
Ruby:i dont like him,hes not nice to me and mommy
Lisa:excuse me sir but please leave the kid is scared

V didnt argue but left with a angry glare towards lisa.....lisa then took ruby towards the bench and ask.....

Lisa:ruby why are you scared of that man
Ruby:i saw him hurting mommy,when we were eating ice cream he suddenly went inside the ice cream shop and slapped mommy
Lisa:do you know why?
Ruby:no(teary eyes)
Lisa:shhh its okay,lets go back to the office but can you make me a promise
Lisa:promise that you will not tell your mommy about this okay its our little secret
Ruby:i dont like keeping promises and not telling mommy about it but its you so okay
Lisa:now thats a good girl lets go now
Ruby:okay but carry please(opened her arms signing that she wants to be carried)
Lisa:of course

Lisa carried ruby and ruby just giggled happily

They went back inside the company and went straight to jennies office..they went inside and saw jennie sleeping....

Lisa:ruby go wake up your mommy

Ruby nodded and went straight to jennie and kissed jennies cheeck many times...jennie wakes up giggling looking at her daughter while smiling...

Lisa:how was your meeting jen
Jennie:eh normal as always boring,did you guys have fun
Ruby:super mommy
Jennie:well lets go home now.
Lisa:oh okay ill drive you home jen,its part of my job
Jennie:you dont have to lis but okay
Lisa:lets go
Jennie:okay lets go ruby

They walked towards the car and lisa opened the door for jennie,and went to the drivers seat......and started driving....when jennie suddenly got a call from her parents it looks like she was not happy about it because of her expression when she saw who was calling,lisa saw this but just didnt say anything......

On call
Jennie:hello dad
Mr kim:jen go to our house now
Jennie:here we go again
Mr kim:just come here
Jennie:aisshhh fine

Ended the call

Jennie:lis drive me to my parents house pls
Lisa:copy jen

When they arrived lisa opened the door for jennie and helped jennie carry ruby inside the house,there lisa saw jennies parents and a man looking at her badly....but she didnt mind rich people like them dont want a normal person entering there house but what can she do its her job as an assistant....

Jennie:thank you for the help lisa
Lisa:no problem i should get going now
Jennie:yeah sure be safe okay i dont want to lose an asistant in after her first day of work
Lisa:ha ha ha very funny ms kim,but ill go now byeee

When lisa left,jennie went inside her daughter room and tucked ruby in bed....after that she change her clothes and went to her parents......and the man

Jennie:what now dad
Mrs kim:honey its not nice to talk to your dad that way
Mr kim:sit down.....this is kai
Jennie:dad if this is about arrange marriage im tired of it look what happend after my first arrnage married
Mr kim:hes not like v jennie!
Jennie:why do you always want to control me dad im not a toy or a robot!
Mrs kim:you two stop ,kai,excuse both of them
Kai:its okay mrs kim,jennie listen im not like your ex husband okay just let me court you
Jennie:no way!,you guys have no rights ugh,this just some stupid ideas..

Jennie went back to her room raging in anger....

Mr kim:whats wrong with that woman
Mrs kim:let her be for now,kai sorry for that you can go home
Kai:okay mrs kim bye guys

Jennies pov
Why do they always want me to be with someone i dont love well i think its because of business matter that kai guy is the ceo of a company that is doing good....what does my parents think of me im not a toy that they can just gave to anyone just for money ugh!! I even heard when i was 16 that i was going to be arranged married to a manoban but i dont know what happend and they didnt do it anymore....i think it would have been nice being married to a manoban because they are a nice family unlike mine whos just using there own daughter for there own sake..

Author:sorry guys for not updating much im busy again with my school works ..... 

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