chapter 7

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6 months later,jennie wasnt the normal jennie anymore she doesnt smile a lot but she does but only to ruby,jennie became cold a personality that shocked her family and her sister rose,when rose found out about the change of her sister personality she immediatly book a flight to seoul because rose is living in sweden........

Fast forward

Rose:sis what happend whats with the sudden change of personality
Jennie:(sighed)its nothing unnie
Rose:imposible and if your gonna tell  me the reason of your changing personality is about the arranged married i wont believe you
Jennie:you know me way to well unnie
Rose:of course i do now tell me the reason

Jennie was about to speak when her secretary entered and said she was a meeting.....jennie stood up went to ruby and kissed her daughter cheecks...

Jennie:ill tell you later unnie
Rose:okay ill wait here with ruby
Jennie:thanks unnie

Jennie then went out the office...

Rose:hi baby ruby
Ruby:hehehe hello aunty
Rose:youre such a big girl now
Ruby:thank you aunty
Rose:tell me do you know anything why your mommy is like that
Ruby:to be honest aunty mommy started to change like that when unnie lisa went away
Ruby:yes aunty unnie lisa she is mommys bestfriend they were very close and unnie lisa loves me very much do you know aunty that when unnie lisa is with me i dont feel like i dont have a daddy because she always makes me feel that i have a complete family especially if we go to the park with mommy
Rose:wow youre a very smart girl ruby..were is lisa?
Ruby:i dont know aunty she just said to me that i will always take care of mommy...and she will comeback to us
Rose:do you have any contact of her ruby
Ruby:yes aunty because before she left she gave me a piece of paper written their was her new phone number she told me not to say it to mommy.
Rose:can you give aunty that paper?
Ruby:okay auntie ill get it in my bag

Ruby went to the sofa and grabbed her bag then she opened a small pocket and got the piece of paper..

Ruby:here aunty

Rose grabbed the paper and talked to ruby..

Rose:did you try to call this number
Ruby:i tried to aunty but i cant use an ipad i dont know why..and i cant use mommys phone because the number will be attached ti her phone
Rose:genius as always my little ruby...but do you want to call your unnie lisa
Ruby:yes please it been a long time i havent talked to unnie

Rose dialed the number and called

On call!!!!!

Uknown:hello who is this

Ruby snached the phone from rose..

Ruby:hello its ruby do you still remember me unnie
Unknown:oh wait boss! Someone is calling
Lisa:oh hi who is this?
Ruby:unnie did you forgot about me
Lisa:ruby! Omg i miss you sweetheart why didnt you call
Ruby:im sorry unnie i cant i dont have a phone and my ipad doesnt work on calling people
Lisa:oh its okay ruby how are you
Ruby:im okay unnie but i miss you very much
Lisa:i miss you more ruby
Ruby:when will you come back unnie?
Ruby:oh by the way my aunty is here unnie im using her phone to call you ill give it to her

Ruby gave the phone to rose

Rose:um hello is this lisa
Lisa:oh hi yeah its lisa are you rose
Rose:yes i am
Lisa:yeah i stil remember jennie talked about you but in a good way
Rose:normal jennie
Lisa:rose can i ask?
Lisa:how is jennie?
Rose:to be honest lisa i dont know but when you left she had been a cold person that everyone is scared of she is not the ball of sunshine anymore she changed.
Lisa:hayss im sorry
Rose:its not your fault lisa but can i ask?
Lisa:go on
Rose:is there something between you and jennie

Lisa sighed and told rose the whole story.

Rose:but promise me something promise me that you will comeback
Lisa:i will rose just please keep reminding her that i will come back
Rose:i will lisa
Lisa:can you give ruby the phone

Rose gabe ruby the phone

Lisa:do you still remember our promise sweetheart
Ruby:yes unnie to always listen to mommy
Lisa:very good but now that your aunty is here you will be a good girl and also listen okay
Ruby:okay unnie
Lisa:if you miss me ask your aunty to call me
Ruby:yayy but wont you be busy
Lisa:i will always have time for you guys
Ruby:thank you unnie
Lisa:just wait for a little bit more i will come back
Ruby:yess! I cant wait unnie
Lisa:okay take some rest now okay
Ruby:okay bye2 unnie i love you
Lisa:i love you too sweetheart

Ruby off the call and gave the phone back to rose with a smile

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