chapter 6

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Next day

Lisa got ready and went to the company then went to jennies office but before she went inside she saw ruby at the waiting room....

Lisa:ruby what are you doing here love?
Ruby:oh unnie i was waiting for you mommy said that you had a fever
Lisa:awww cute come give your unnie a big hug

Ruby then went to lisa and hugged her tightly....

Lisa:ruby listen okay...promise me that you will take care of your mommy okay
Ruby:i will unnie but why are you saying that as if you will leave me and mommy
Lisa:i wont do that ruby....i will go to your mommy now okay be a good girl at daycare

Ruby nodded and kissed lisas cheecks....lisa then proceeds to go to jennies office while holding a file....lisa went inside jennies office when jennie saw her she smiled and she also smiled back...

Jennie:good morning lis
Lisa:good morning jennie
Jennie:what are you holding,what file is that

Lisa sighed and said that....

Lisa:um jen this is a file for me to resign

Jennie was shocked and her eyes were filled with tears immediatly

Jennie:what! No what are you saying lisa
Lisa:jennie please understand all of this is for your own good
Jennie:is this about last night,lisa im sorry if i cant fight for our love but please lisa dont leave me you are the only person who is true to me!
Lisa:jennie it hurts it hurts because i know we love each other jen but the hurtful part is that your parents wont agree to it
Jennie:please lisa dont leave me(crying)

Lisa went to jennie and hugged her tightly..

Lisa:like i said jennie...let destiny decide for our future okay.
Jennie:what if destiny wont agree with us?
Lisa:i know it will,jennie look im not going to leave you okay im just staying away for awhile
Jennie:but why?
Lisa:im not gonna say for now jen but please promise me something
Jennie:what is it?
Lisa:promise me that i will always be the person inside your heart as you are to mine
Jennie:i promise lis but are you going to come back
Lisa:i promise jennie i will come back
Jennie:what if you will comeback when kai and I is already married?
Lisa:i wont let that happen jen please trust me
Jennie:i do trust you lisa
Lisa:the number that your using to text me is not my number anymore starting from now but if you have any problem jen text what you want to say jen i will read it
Jennie:is this goodbye?
Lisa:never it will just be see you later
Jennie:then see you later lisa,ill miss you
Lisa:ill miss you to love

Lisa kissed jennies forehead and went out she wiped her tears before she went out because she doesnt want to let people see that she was also crying......lisa was going to the exit when she saw ruby again...

Lisa:ruby why are not yet in daycare
Ruby:there is still 20 minutes left unnie
Lisa:okay2 but can unnie talk to you first
Ruby:okay unnie

Ruby and lisa sat down at a bench in the waiting..

Lisa:ruby unnie lisa will be going somewhere okay so you need to be a good girl towards mommy
Ruby:why are you going to leave me and mommy forever?(teary eyes)
Lisa:no no i wont do that ruby but it might take a while for unnie to be back but ill give ruby a special mission okay.
Ruby:okay but if mommy also meeds help i will also send a text here.
Lisa:of course

Lisa took out a piece of paper that was its new number on it....and put it in a small but secured pocket in rubys bag...

Lisa:that paper has my new number if ruby needs any help ruby will chat this number okay but promise me that you will not tell mommy jennie that you have that number okay?
Ruby:okay unnie but if something bsd is gonna happen to mommy i will also text you
Lisa:of course

Hi guys these are just short chapters but kinda painful 😁

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