Chapter 38

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Chishiya POV

After a few months of rehabilitation, I can walk fine without too much pain due to the metal pole in my leg, but at least it hurts less, i can still feel it sometimes, and if I walk too much it will hurt, i was walking around my dad's hospital trying to help him, or he forced me to. I was walking when I opened the door to a patient, the patient had to get ready for surgery due to the damage from the meteor disaster a few months ago. He had to get his leg amputated, as i got him ready and about to get him to the surgery room, I paused a pounding headache set in. Every time This happens, it's like I get flashbacks of these weird games, or I'm not sure what to call them. Before I knew it I felt my vision blur, and another doctor came in since I was being slow. "Chishiya!" "Chish-" And everything went black.


[The second game he played when he arrived in Borderland]

I was walking up to a big school, it had a church? looking thing, it looked like that was the entrance so I walked towards it grabbing a phone as it scanned my face. "Welcome player, the game begins in 1 minute," the voice said as the door to the church-looking thing opened, and I walked in, there was a pretty tall guy with piercings, and a gun, 2 high school girls and one guy, and some military looking dude. "The game is about to commence. there are currently 6 participants. Game: Body search, Difficulty: 7 of hearts" The school girls and the boy looked worried, I guess heart is bad.

After a few moments the coffin swung open, that was at the altar, i slowly walked up to it looking down and seeing the indents of what looked like a person.


Find the body parts, that are indented in the coffin.

Violence is allowed.

The time limit is 5 hours.

One player is an imposter and plays against the innocent players.

If the players are alive and the time runs out, the building will explode when the body is not assembled and the imposter can leave beforehand.

The body parts are scrambled around the school grounds.

Look at the phone to see if you got the role of imposter.

Game start"

I looked at my phone to see, but nothing. Must mean I'm innocent. I look around for a moment before one of the girls speaks up. "How about we all go alone covering the biggest area?" she looked around to see if anyone agreed, but her friend sounded skeptical. "eh I don't know, I don't wanna be alone!" "We have to if we want to survive!" I just rolled my eyes, knowing that was a complete lie, some things horror movies have right. NEVER split up, and well follow an unknown sound.

But it wasn't the only one thinking that. "Are you stupid?" the tall guy with black hair, piercings, and a gun over his shoulder says. Making the whole group look at him. "Excuse me? Do you have a better idea?" "Well actually. Yes, pair up. Remember there is an imposter among us (okay that was not intended T^T) if you've ever learned anything from horror movies, first thing. NEVER split up." He said erning a glare from the girl and before any of them could continue. "Are you the imposter since you want everyone to be separated?" I said calmly glancing around. "WHAT! NO!" i just shrugged. "Fine," the army dude said taking a step forward, "let's make teams of two."

The girl who said to separate quickly grabbed her friend's hand. "I'm with her then!" the guy quickly ran up to the army guy "I'm staying with him." The army guy just nodded, "How about we exchange names?" the guy next to the army guy said. "I'm Hoshi," the girl who grabbed her friend's arm said, "I-I'm Kiyo.." "I'm Kuro," The guy with the army guy said. "Aguni." The Army guy said. "Niragi," The guy with the gun and piercings said, before everyone glanced at me, I let out a small sigh. "Chishiya."

Niragi looked at me and started walking. "Come on." I just followed him as he walked out of the church towards the school, once we got to the school doors, Niragi grabbed the left door opening it without problems before walking in with me following behind him. "Let's start from the other end, it'll be easier to clear out." Niragi nodded as we started walking and looking around in the different rooms on the first floor.

We found nothing in The first few rooms until there was a hand in the fifth room. "Niragi," I said, making him look over. "I found a hand." He nodded and we quickly ran back to the church putting the hand in place. And the voice blared through the whole area. "Left hand has been found and placed in the coffin.13 more to find."

And once again back to work. We were on our way upstairs, "Do you have any idea who the imposter is?" Niragi asked, "Mmm, I think I have an idea of who it is." "Who?" "Kiyo, but I could still be wrong." "Why?" He looked at me a bit odd, "she relaxed more when I asked her friend if she was the imposter, so I'm just guessing."

"Niragi nodded as we got upstairs confused looking. "Right arm, torse has been found 11 places left." the voice boomed. "finally, they found some," Niragi said. "The left hand has been taken by the imposter." With that announcement, both me and I looked at each other. "CAN THEY DO THAT?!" "The rules didn't say they couldn't." "This is bullshit." "Go check it out, I'll keep looking," I said and he nodded running off and getting his gun ready to shoot, as I continued looking opening draws, moving chairs looking behind the curtains, and moving books to see if they were behind.

That was when a string of gunshots could be heard. "what now."


I'm still not dead I promise lol! so imma post as many chapters as I can due to my friend's birthday coming up! and I know she likes the story! so enjoy the month more chapters are on the way! ^^

I know it is out before your birthday but happy birthday anyway you lovely bitch <3 ^^ Mindsett143


Word count: 1072

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