Chapter 40

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Niragi POV

"So How is it going with you?" "As usual, I almost just got off of work." "Wait, you are working? You should be relaxing!" "Take that talk with my dad. I tried, but well here I am." "ohh, i tried going back, but they wont let me. Even though I sit down 90% of the time.." "What do you do?" " "Im a video game engine " "ohh, fancy" "it is?" "I don't know, you tell me, you work with it." "fair enough" "Hey, em chishiya?" I glance over at him, as I see him look over at me, the same cold expression as most of the days in the hospital. "Yeah?" "Can I ask you something a bit weird?" "Yeah sure, go for it."

"so, I've been having these weird, flashback-like dreams, and they kinda freak me out to think about.." "Wait.. you too?" "Have you had any?" I looked at him a bit surprised, and he looked almost interested and confused. "Yeah what are yours about?" "These weird games, where I had to survive? and well kill people it almost felt like it was real." "So i'm not the only one, i got off of work cuz i passed out and had one of those!" "You did?! Are okay tho!" "yeah yeah, im fine. But to be honest the one I got today was about this word game, i think it was called body search, and the weird thing is if i remember correctly, you were there" "I- was?" "yeah" "what happened?"  I was interested, Chishiya looked like he was thinking.

"It was something with the difficulty 7 of hearts? I'm not sure what this means. but it was something about finding doll-like parts in this school that had this sort of chapel church thing. And there was this imposter like person, who had to sabotage the others, but from what i can remember, the imposter was pretty bad, you had a gun from where i have no idea, but you shot her, we won the game and then the building exploded after that's all i can recall."

"I SHOT SOMEONE!" "Apparently.." "Can you remember any of the games?"

"I think the latest one I can remember was Tag, it was a big building and there was a tagger, with a horse mask? I don't know aaand we had to run around trying to find the safe zone? i think, but the tagger had a gun and well, yeah most people died" "ooh well that doesn't sound fun" "what i remember i was laughing. sooo " "That is unfortunate." I let out a small laugh as I looked at the water below us, "Another random question, How do you know this place?"

"I used to go here when I had enough of my dad, I'd play around in the forest, what about you?" "I was just on a walk and saw the forest and went in, no nothing special." "i see."
"Do you think. Are there other people who remember these weird games?" "I mean I don't know, but do you remember when we thought we had seen each other before?" "Yeah?" "Maybe it's because of these games, maybe I've been in one of these games with you, and well the other way around as you can tell, so that might be where we saw each other?" "that makes somewhat sense if we ignore that these games don't make sense" "True.."

That's when i heard a phone vibrate repeatedly, i knew it wasn't mine, and i quickly saw Chishiya pull up his phone, "What?" "Now?" "No." "No, i don't care how long we are gonna discuss this, i don't care" "Aha" "No. You know what, I don't wanna argue so fine." "Yes." and then he hung up, "What was that about?" "My dad wants me to go to work, i said no, now he wants me home for dinner, which i said fine too." "Ah i see, i wish you luck with him then" "haha, so do i" His laugh was sarcastic even if i could see a small smile on his face. "This might be a bit cheesy, but you should smile more, it suits you."

"You are right, that is cheesy" He said, letting out a small chuckle as I just smiled at him, "well I gotta go, sorry" he said as he stood up, and about to walk away. "Wait" I said, making him turn his head, "Can I maybe get your number?" i asked still smiling ang he nodded holding his hand out, and quickly unlocked my phone before hanging it to him, he carefully took before tasting his number it and handing it back, and i smiled, "thanks blondie" I said laughing, and he rolled his eyes jokingly, "Whatever, i'll be going now" He said as he started walking off the fallen tree we were sitting at, before walking away, and walking back towards the opening of the small forest, i quickly looked down on my phone, seeing his contact name "Chishiya" i quickly tapped into messages sending a quick message so he'd have my number as well.

"Hey blondie!" I texted laughing a bit to myself.

After a few minutes, i started walking home, i was slowly getting up, as i walked towards to the ground, i started walking back out of the forest, so i could get home, even if i knew it would take 30 minutes it's a nice enough walk, so i don't mind.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so i fished it up from my pocket looking at it, Chishiya had replied.

"Hey blondie!"
Read 18:23

"haven't missed you either."

"Now now, no need to be rudeeee!"
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"Now, what's the fun in that?"
"Ugh, gotta go. My dad is calling me"

"Damn, sad! hey let's meet again at the river when you get time yeah?"

I didnt even notice i had already made it to the apartment complex, i opened the door walk through the lobby and to the elevator, clicking the button waiting for the elevator to come down, and after around a minute it did, i walked in, clicked on 3rd floor, and not even a minute later it had arrived the doors pend and i walked out walking towards my apartment door, witch was number 35, i get to the door grabbing my key in my pocket, finding the right key before putting it back in the key hole unlocking my door opening it, before walking in closing the door behind me, locking it again. i quickly took my shoes of before walking into the living room plopping down on the couch, relaxing more as i let out a sigh, i grabbed my phone putting it on the table before agreeing with myself i should eat something easy to make, so i got up making some cup noodles before walking back to the living room, sitting down in the couch turning on the tv, putting on a random show, while i eat.

As if on cue, as i was done eating i head my phone vibrate, and chishiya had answered me once again.

"Damn, sad! hey let's meet again at the river when you get time yeah?"
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"Yeah, sure i don't mind."

Read 19:35

So now every so often we meet up at the river just talking and it's nice, instead of being alone 99,99% of the time I had a friend, even if he doesn't shere all that much, it's way better than being alone all the time. We talked about mostly everything, but I remembered something like when i remember those, game things...

I'm not sure what to think about it but holy shit I feel bad for him, I'm not even sure if I remember everything correctly, I kinda hope I do, but at the same time, i don't...

HAHAA, Double update! How lucky!

Word count: 1329

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