Twenty three

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We failed to protect her

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We failed to protect her. I failed to protect her.

"And that's how I got here... how I became an Assassin" she mumbles out, her voice as shaky as ever.

I can't believe what I've just heard and neither can father. My baby sister... an Assassin against her will. This world hurt my baby, so I will hurt it back.

"I'm so...sorry dad I hope you won't hate me" she stutters out not looking up and I swear a piece of my hurt breaks. Why would she think we hate her, we've done worse than she ever did.

"Arianna look at me" dad mutters gently staring at his baby girl. "I could never ever hate you Arianna, you are so special to me, to your whole family. Nothing you did or do will ever abolish the love I have for you. And I'm sorry, I failed to protect you from our world, you didn't deserve anything that happened to you or your mother and I'm so fucking sorry" he finishes as a tear falls down his face.

Arianna immediately stands up wrapping herself around father, clinging to him for dear life. After a while they pull away from the hug but Arianna still stands close to him.

"What about everyone else will they hate me" she asks in a worried tone. No one could ever hate her even though Federico and Domenico act distanced with her it's just because they're scared. Scared of what could happen in the future. Federico knows the dangers... he knows all too well.

"Of course they won't hate you, in fact I'm sure they'll love you even more now. You are the Moretti princess after all" dad says putting his hand on her shoulder.

"How did Federico even know before us" I suddenly ask remembering that whole scene that happened earlier.

Arianna smirks and lets out a chuckle. "You'll have to ask him yourself, also Domenico" she says and curiosity fills my mind. 

"Very well, I do think we should go back now, I'm sure you'll be asked a few questions but it's okay" Dad states standing up to his full height, I must say for an old man he's still very tall.

"Come on" I hold my hand out for Arianna to take which she does. She always used to hold my hand when she was tiny, it comforts her.

We follow dad as he makes his way through the halls where everyone's waiting. When we get back I see we have an extra guest, little Amias is say playing on Leo's lap. It was quite the shock when Angelo came back from Nigeria with a child and an ex wife. He does love his women that's for sure, but who can blame him.

Amias looks up and sees me and Arianna before running over and giving Arianna a big hug then asking to be lifted by me. "Up please" he asks very Cutely. I smile before picking him up he fits just perfectly. Even though he's 4 he's very small more like size of a 2-3 year old.

The rest of our family look at us in anticipation with all different emotions evidently on their faces. My grandparents uncles and aunties are still in shock. Kai and Alonzo seem somewhat shocked but more curious. Alexander looks pissed off as expected.

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