Twenty nine

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"What the fuck" Luca stands up slamming his hands on the table

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"What the fuck" Luca stands up slamming his hands on the table. Safe to say this news hasn't gone down too well with everyone.

Suddenly Santiago stands up and grabs Nikolai by the neck pinning him up against the nearest wall.

"Try and kill my father I fucking dare you" I hear Santiago growl at Niko who surprisingly seems unfazed.

"Not here Ti" I whisper yell at Santiago who is slowly beginning to squeeze Nikolais neck.

Santiago continues to ignore me and squeeze Nikolai who now seems to be squirming. Talk about no self control.

"You didn't even let me finish, Let him go or I swear to god I will make your life a living hell" I mumble threateningly noticing the crowd beginning to form.

Santiago looks at me for a second so I nod confirming i mean what I say. He rolls his eye before Letting go of Nikolai who starts gasping for breath.

"Shows over folks" I yell to the crowd who mumble amongst themselves before dispersing off back to their seats.

I then turn to the clowns of the show. "Table now, fucking idiots" I instruct and to my pleasant surprise the boys go and sit back down.

I sigh before sliding in the seat next to Santiago and Kai. "As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, obviously no one's getting killed here. Somethings going on and Niko is willing to help us find out" I say to everyone who don't look impressed.

"How can we trust him Anna, how can you trust him especially after what his uncle did to you" Luca mumbles gritting his teeth which hurts my hurt slightly. Am I making the right call here?

"We can trust him" Remy suddenly answers causing the whole table to look at him.

"What do you mean Remy" Kai responds looking intensely at our brother.

"I mean that he helped me when I was captured. He saved me from getting tortured most likely to death, I owe him" Remy sighs staring at Nikolai who gives him a thankful nod.

"I owe him as well" I add and everyone's head snaps to me this time. "When I saved the twins he helped me, I was reluctant but he was right. And now his life is on the line. Anotaly may be his uncle but Nikolai isn't Anotaly. I trust him"

Kai, Luca and Luciano look at my weirdly while Santiago stays glaring at Nikolai.

"Plus if he double crosses us we kill him before Anotaly, there's not much we can lose here" I say looking around at everyone.

"Well we've got to let Alessandro know, don't think he'll be too happy to hear he's on a hit list" Kai states scratching the back of his head.

"The fact that you even think you could kill me" Santiago scoffs before continuing to glare at Nikolai.

"You'd be surprised Santiago" Nikolai responds confidently to my surprise.

"Is that a bet Russian boy" Santiago reply's back with a sinister smirk across his face. Children I'm telling you, children.

"There's too much testosterone at this table it's giving me a headache, after school Tiago come to our house, Nikolai go home and we'll contact you with a plan. Peace out losers" I stand up before leaving the male full table and make my way towards my next lesson.

Honestly in this life there is never peace. Anotlay is playing at something and I'm going to find out exactly what.

The rest of the day goes by quick and now we're already on our way home from school. "Dad phoned me, Aless and Francesco are already at home" Remy informs.

"Okay great, does he know about everything yet" I ask Remy. Dad definitely won't be happy about this, we haven't even had the chance to get revenge on Anotaly for taking the twins.

"No" Remy responds keeping his eyes on his road. Great just great. I look over at Santiago who's silently looking out the window. He hasn't said much since we got in the car. I remember when Luciano told me about how Santiago was the son of Mexican Cartel boss Luis. Didn't come much as a surprise to be honest, if he's hanging around my whole family he must know something. But how did he know about my past, that's exactly what I want to know.

In no time at all we pull up outside our house. Myself, Remy, Kai and Santiago enter the house to already find a pissed off Lorenzo pacing back and forth. The rest of my brothers are also here along with Francesco, Alessandro and my father.

I make my over to the men with Remy, Kai and Santi following behind. Alonzo spots me and comes over pulling me into a hug.

"TWIN" Remy yells before running over to where Reign is sat on the sofa. Santiago goes and sits down next to Alexander who side eyes him. Of course Alexander is grumpy.

"Okay is everyone here" My dad asks looking around the room.

"Yes get on with it" Alexander grumbles earning a glare from my dad. I chuckle also earning a glare from my dad.

"Arianna, tell us what you know" Dad looks towards me and I nod taking the floor.

"Okay, so the night I saved Remy Nikolai was there" I start off by saying and everyone in the rooms face suddenly goes serious.

"In fact he showed me where Remy was being held, he helped me" I utter causing quite the stir.

"Why would that bastard help you" Alexander is the first to speak clearly annoyed.

"I don't trust him, he's up to something" Francesco now butts in causing me to roll my eyes.

"Nothing that family do is anything good-" Alonzo begins to speak but I cut him off.

"Would you all shut up and let me finish" I raise my voice and everyone instantly shuts their mouths.

My brothers are gawking at me while Santiago is staring at me looking dare I say impressed.

"Thank you, as I was saying he helped me. And this morning he pulled me aside asking for help" I continue.

"Help my ass, he just wants to-" Alexander pipes up however I cut him off by throwing a bottle of water directly at him which he unfortunately dodges.

"Help with what Arianna" Lorenzo asks staring at me intensely.

I sigh before looking around at everyone. "Anotaly wants Aless, Santiago and his father dead" I say quickly awaiting the chaos.

I watch as Alessandro looks confused for a few seconds before bursting out in laughter. Erm okay...

My father stands up abruptly and grabs his phone. "I'm calling Luis, we need to arrange a meeting now, this isn't the first time today we've heard news about the Russians".

"What's the news" I ask but it's too late as my dad is already out the room. I turn to everyone expecting an answer.

"Well what's the bad news" I ask Lorenzo. He looks at Francesco before sighing.

"Word has spread that Anotaly is planning to attack the French's yearly ball that we all will be attending" he states and my ears perk up at the mention of a ball.

I've heard about these balls that are pulled by various rich families. A lot of the time the Criminal underground are invited as the rich and underground are linked. I've never been so this should be exciting.

Just then my father comes back into the room with a stern look on his face.

"A meeting has been Arranged with Luis, tomorrow night. It'll only be myself, Francesco, Aless and Lorenzo attending" he says.

"Can't I attend, as I am the one who found out this helpful information" I respond rolling my eyes.

"Let me think about it, No" my father states causing my brothers and Santiago to let out a snicker. Bitch.

I huff and sit down next to Kai who begins playing with my hair. I'll find a way to get to that meeting I'm sure of it.

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