I'm going out of the bunker. I'm going back to the ruins of the castle. On the way I try to wipe away my tears, but they don't stop. I think maybe I had a bit of a shock beforehand and that's why I'm crying now. However, I don't want to cry. I want to think about what to do. I sit down and only now notice how cold it is without trousers and a jacket and I have no shoes on. It brings a feeling of freedom, but walking around barefoot is also very uncomfortable, depending on the surface.
I said I was going to look for Soviet, but I have no idea where he might be and I also want to know who was responsible for the destruction of the castle and my brother's death. I don't know anything about the attack. Whoever attacked us might want as many people to die as they can. I can't find out who bombed the castle yet, but I have a guess and I might find Soviet there too. After I finally stop crying, I will fly away immediately.
Should I check again to see if my brother is alive? I don't know if what I've seen is real, but I don't want to see it again. I only know that the scene is horrible and that's all I need to know about it. I calm down after a while and have mostly wiped away most of my tears. I spread my wings and take of. I will fly to Second Reich and confront him, because if he is responsible for the attack, maybe I can use my words to get him to stop doing it, because there is actually peace between the Empire and the Kingdom.
The treaty! I fly back quickly and look for the treaty in the ruins of Soviet's office. I have to move some of the wall pieces out of the way until I can find some papers. I look at every paper and put those that I don't need back so that I can put the wall pieces back on afterwards so that they don't fly away from the wind. After a short time I find the piece of paper I'm looking for and put the pieces of wall back on top of the others. I'm flying off again. I'm incredibly scared, but I can leave at any time if it gets too dangerous for me. I hope I can talk to him without having to risk my life for a little chat.
All I want is Soviet and peace. I fly over the mountains and over the border, but I see something that I don't like at all. I see some tanks making their way to Soviet's country. It is becoming more and more likely that Second Reich was behind the attack. I'm flying over the hills deeper into the kingdom. I would like to fly in front of the tanks and show them the treaty, but that probably wouldn't do much. I see the palace on the mountain and make myself invisible. I haven't been here in 5 years. Not much has changed. A little, but not as much as I expected.
I have no idea where the cells were, otherwise I could just look there. I fly lower and see the courtyard where I almost died. I land on the gravel path and go to the castle entrance. Walking on gravel is not painless. The closer I get, the quieter and slower I get so that the guards in front of it don't notice that I'm walking this way. I stand in the corner and wait until one of the guards goes inside, after which I follow him. When I arrive in the hall, I rub the gravel off my feet. I then go through the hall to the hall and go to the throne room.
Once there, I see the Second Reich and a presumably 3-year-old Countryhumans child that is crawling around on the floor. The child looks like Second Reich from the flag on his face. The child is still so small and so cute. Second Reich is on his throne and does not look on with delight at the little child. Why? Did the child do anything wrong? "Papa ich hab Hunger. (Papa, I'm hungry.)", says the little child. From the voice it sounds like it is 4 or 5 years old. "Deutschland, du musst noch zwei Stunden warten, dann gibt es Mittagsessen. (Germany, you have to wait two more hours, then there will be lunch.)", says Second Reich. The child repeats: "Ich habe Hunger! (I'm hungry!)" "Es reicht! Wenn du weiter so nervst gibt es gar kein Essen für dich! (It's enough! If you continue to annoy me, there will be no food for you!)", complains Second Reich.
Germany looks down. Since when has Second Reich been so mean to children? Maybe I'll get the little one something to eat. I go into the kitchen and get a piece of pretzel and go to the little Countryhuman. I put the piece in front of him. He grabs it happily and bites into it enthusiastically. Then I'll go back, because I have to talk to Second Reich. I'm in a panic, but if I don't talk to him, I won't be able to bring peace and probably save Soviet. I am slowly making myself visible and getting closer to Second Reich, who sits on his throne. "Zweites Reich du hast den Kaiser Sowjet Union gefangen genommen und greifst sein Land an. (Second Reich you have captured the emperor Soviet Union and are attacking his country.)", I say loudly.
I don't know if he's responsible, but it's very likely and so I'll find it out. He turns to me and then looks at me like I'm a ghost. He presses himself tightly against his throne and makes no sound. He really believed that I died. I approach him and try not to show my fear. My feathers fluff up, making me look taller and more threatening. "Ich bin hier, um mit dir zu reden. (I'm here to talk to you.)", I tell him before I stop. I stop at least four meters away from him. "Nein, nein, nein! Mit so etwas wie dir rede ich nicht! WACHEN ERGREIFT IHN!!! (No, no, no! I'm not talking to something like you! CATCH HIM!!!)", he yells. A lot of guards are already approaching me.
I have to make him an offer that he can't refuse. I make myself invisible and fly up. I fly a few laps while the guards, very disoriented, aim their weapons at anything that moves. Second Reich seems to have noticed himself that this doesn't work. I fly behind his throne and ask him: "Wo ist Sowjet Union? (Where is Soviet Union?)" "Er ist im Kerker. (He's in the dungeon.)", replies Second Reich, who tried to find me through the conversation. "Lass ihn frei! (Let him go!)", I shout and fly away from my hiding place. The guards are looking for me behind the throne, but I've been too quick.
"Wir werden ihn nicht freilassen! (We won't let him go!)", roars Second Reich. I have to come up with some kind of offer! I have a pretty stupid idea right now, but it could work as well as I know Soviet and Second Reich. I'll try, but only if my original idea doesn't work. I land where the guards are and wrap my wings around me before I become visible again. Nobody wants to touch the white part of my wings, which is why it gives me protection against the people around me. I go forward towards the throne. I take out the treaty and hold it out to Second Reich. "Weimar und ich haben diesen Vertrag am selben Tag unterzeichnet als er mit Sowjet den Friedensvertrag unterschrieben hat. Darin steht, falls Weimar etwas zustößt nehme ich seinen Platz als König ein. Daher ist das mein Thron und mein Land. (Weimar and I signed this treaty on the same day that he signed the peace treaty with Soviet.
It says, if something happens to Weimar, I'll take his place as king. So this is my throne and my country.)", I make it clear to them. "Weimar geht es gut, er wurde nur etwas wütend und ist irgendwo mit seinen Kindern hingeflogen. Er- (Weimar is fine, he just got a little angry and flew to somewhere with his children. He-)", he wanted to say. I interrupt: "Er ist mit den Kindern zu Sowjets Schloss geflogen und dort war ein Bombenangriff und ich habe ihn unter den Trümmern gefunden und seine Kinder haben sich in der Nähe versteckt. (He flew with the children to Soviet's castle and there was a bombing there and I found him under the rubble and his children were hiding nearby.)"
"Das ist eine Lüge! (That's a lie!)", claims Second Reich. "Du kannst nicht bestätigen, dass- (You cannot confirm that-)", I am interrupted by him. "LÜGE!!! (LIE!!!)", Second Reich roars. I believe I can't achieve anything with it, so Plan B. "Ich hätte auch ein Angebot für dich, dass du nicht abschlagen wirst. (I also have an offer for you that you won't refuse.)", I say. God is this a stupid idea! "Welches Angebot? (Which offer?)", asks Second Reich.
Colors and Life / Soviet x Reich
ParanormalThe king Reich the Second or also called the Second Reich has two sons, Weimar and his successor of the throne, Reich the Third or also called Third Reich. Third Reich has no desire to be the successor of the throne and flees from its planned life...