Chapter 2

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Ok I want to make this clear, I won't say who they are but someone commented how they basically was going to read this but then stopped because who was in the ship aka katsumi and shoko... the reason why I did it is because they never bullied izuku but was friends with him, if I don't go into detail in this chapter I'll do it in the next but I just wanted to make it clear on why they were part of the harem, izuku trusts them

Third POV

Once Izuku showed up in hell he ended up roaming around with residents of hell looking at him since he was new to hell, after some time of walking around he notices on a tv that the news was on

While this happens and izuku notices the princess of hell Charlie talk about her little hotel project and that gets izuku's attention

"Huh... guess I could help out a bit when I have time from hunting people" he says, after he says that he hears her starting to sing, (this show is basically a musical for anyone who doesn't know)

"She sings too? Interesting, maybe we can sing together sometime" izuku says

After Charlie's time on the news is done izuku walks to where the hotel is located, once he gets there he notices multiple people there when he opens the door and when he does let's just say... it was a shit show

"Uhhh... hi?" He says and that's when they finally notice him and vaggie and Charlie blush when noticing him, sure they're together but they're bi

When izuku notices Vaggie he's speechless because he thought he wouldn't see her again, you see when they were younger Vaggie lived in Musutafu for a year but then moved away because of her parents business (I have no idea about her death since I haven't watched the show yet, I really need to but I'm already watching multiple shows at once, I'll get to it soon though...)

"... V?" He asks sadly

"Wait... Izu!?" Vaggie asks obviously wondering how he got here to hell and knowing it's him because he was the only one who called her that

"Wait! This is the izuku you've talked about all the time!?" Charlie asks her girlfriend

"Yeah..." Vaggie tells her

Getting the vibes that they're together izuku smirked despite being a wolf

"So... she your girlfriend?" Izuku asked with a smirk

"How did you die? And how are you here!? You're literally the most pure person I know!" Vaggie says as she yelled out the last sentence

"Oh!" Izuku then tells her what happened with the slime villain along with what happened in his mindscape before coming here

"You're death!?" Vaggie and the others minus Charlie yell out

"I was told by dad there would be a new one... interesting that he chose you out of all people with grandpa and the first death" Charlie says with izuku agreeing with her

Izuku Yagi: The Next Death/LoboWhere stories live. Discover now