Chapter 16

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I know it's been a day but the fact that some of these tags are this high makes me very happy so once again thank you all for loving this story, I appreciate it very much

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I know it's been a day but the fact that some of these tags are this high makes me very happy so once again thank you all for loving this story, I appreciate it very much

Third POV

We see Izuku and his group in their human forms on the top of the sports festival roof watching the ending of the sports festival, they just watched Izumi losing in the first round because of what the past users did and then OFA went towards and into Izuku

"It's about time something like this happened... karmas a bitch" izuku says

"You got that right" Charlie and Vaggie say

"Wonder what will happen next?" Angel asks

"Who knows?" Husk says as Niffty's energetic and high on coffee self was running around them giggling like a maniac

"Hey Niffty calm down and watch" izuku says but she still doesn't stop, "please Niff?" She then stops and looks at izuku, "ok izuku!"

Once she says that she sits on his lap making his girlfriends pout while looking at him

"Hey that's our seat!" Charlie and Vaggie say at the same time

"You two never sat down on his lap so you snooze you lose hehehe" Niffty says

After a couple of minutes she climbs onto his shoulders and Charlie and Vaggie immediately jump at the chance and sits on his lap

"Our spot" they say with a smile

They then watch the other fights up until the time of canon izuku and shoto's talk

During the talk izuku hides his presence while katsuki is on the other side not noticing or sensing he's next to him and they are both listening onto the conversation

When katsuki and Izumi left Izuku made his presence known startling shoto

"Hello shoto..." izuku says

"I-izuku" shoto says surprised

"Tf was that?" Izuku asks making him confused

"Huh?" Shoto says

"Why did you tell her all that? We literally have known you our entire life" izuku says

"Because it's the truth and I resent his fire" shoto says

"Bullshit shoto" izuku tells the peppermint boy

"Huh!? The hell you do mean bullshit! I hate him and I resent his power!" Shoto yells at him

"Then you should do the same with the ice" izuku says shocking shoto and making him mad

"Why the hell would I do that! It's my mom's ice!" He yells

"Really? Then why is it coming out of YOUR body" izuku says

"Huh?" He says

"Ok let me explain it to your tiny brain shoto... it's coming out of your body, so it's YOUR quirk" izuku says while shoto doesn't respond, "you should have remembered shoto... the only reason why you have those quirks isn't because you're special, it's because they made you, now I'm sorry for being rude but your older siblings could have had both but they didn't" he says, "hell Shoko has it too"

"Getting quirks is hereditary shoto... and with me being quirkless while Izumi got her moms" izuku says while shoto immediately realizes and says, "all might was quirkless..."

"Exactly, be greatful you had a quirk, be even more that it was 2 in 1, I got the short end of the stick because guess what? Life isn't fair, at all... you don't get to choose if you get a quirk or not and if you do you don't get to choose what type you get... you get what you get" izuku says, "quirks only showed up 200 years ago and you know what? People were EXTREMELY terrified of them because it was all new to them, they then had to make laws and other stuff, you want to resent your father? That's fine do that I don't care, but it's your ice... your fire... because it's coming out of your body... it's not your parents... remember this Shoto... be better than your father, show him that you are your own person and use your fire to be a better hero than he is" he says as he walks away making shoto look down thinking to himself about what Izuku said

'Maybe he's right... I'm truly sorry Izuku... for everything'

Soon after that talk he doesn't use his fire yet making izuku understand, shoto wanted to use it so he can use both sides to defeat the idiot Katsuki, the guy that ruined his chance of staying friends with Izuku, someone he considered a brother and maybe... in the future... he can change that and be what he wanted to be to Izuku

He knows izuku is nearby in the stadium watching the festival and he wants to make him proud

Now it is time for the finals and like canon it's Shoto vs Katsuki

"You're going down half and half bastard!" The moron known as katsuki yells at shoto

"No... I don't think so" shoto says

After some time of using his ice while staying clear of the rabid Pomeranian known as katsuki bakugo shoto had enough and finally used his fire making izuku happy with a smile on his face and of course Endeavor but... who honestly cares bolt the idiotic flame brain

"Shotooooooo! Finally you use your fire! Finally stopped with your rebellious phase!?" Endeavor yells out

"He seems... supportive?" Present Mic says confused

"Shut up old man! I'm trying to concentrate!" Shoto yells out as he's avoiding Katsuki's explosive attacks

"Alright... time to finish this" shoto says

"Howitzer!" Katsuki yells

"Flash freeze!" Shoto yells

Impact!/heatwave!" They say at the same time making a huge explosion and smoke is everywhere and no one can see who won

Once the smoke clears it shows katsuki on the ground knocked out with shoto still standing

"He did it..." izuku says with a smile while his two girlfriends are still on his lap

Here is the end of the chapter and I hope you like it, my other story izuku midoriya: reincarnation of anos voldigoad's next chapter will probably be up tomorrow and it will be an interesting chapter... you all will probably know what it is because of what I talked about in the ending of last chapter

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