Chapter 8

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I got another chapter for you, I will do episode 8 all the way like I did for episode 5 so you'll have to wait just a few more chapters

Third POV

We see izuku up on earth in his human form walking around Japan just for fun because he's been in hell for so long but only going up to the land of the living for occasional bounties of fake heroes and villains

"Man it's been a while since I truly was here, actually this is the first time I've been up here without going after a bounty" izuku says to himself so no one hears

Without him knowing the girls of 1a were walking on the other side of the street and noticed him

'Izu!' Katsumi and Shoka think to themselves while the other girls see him too and think 'woahhh! It's the guy that sang amazingly after verosika's performance!'

Soon after that izuku notices them and especially the girls of his past so he starts to walk away but is followed by the girls

"Izu!" Katsumi and Shoko yell making the other girls turn their heads really fast towards them, "you know him!?"

"Yep..." they say to the girls

"What do you want you two?" Izuku asks

"C-can we talk to you? In private real quick?" Katsumi asks

"... sure" izuku says

Once he says that they take him to an alley to talk, well... more like whisper so the girls don't hear

"How are you here? You're supposed to be dead!" The girls whisper

"My life is complicated you two, it really is" izuku says with a sigh

"So... where do you live?" Shoko asks

"Hell" izuku tells the girls

"What!? How!? You were so pure!" They say in horror, so izuku tells them the truth about everything after what happened

"So you're death?" Katsumi asks in shock

"Yep" izuku says

"Can you "die" from any weapons?" Shoko asks

"You mean angelic weapons? No" izuku says

"Wow..." they say

"You know, your friends are waiting for you right?" Izuku says

"Oh right! Do you... want to hangout with us?" The girls ask

"Sure" izuku says to them

Before they leave izuku tells them he'll have to eventually leave for a certain trip to... heaven! Which surprises them but they understood

"Hey girls! This is izuku, izuku this is Mina, toru, momo, kyoka, ochako, and tsu" they say

"Hello" they say while toru and kyoka blush seeing him making Shoko and Katsuki really jealous as they pout adorably and look away

"Hi girls" he says with a smile, they soon all hangout

"What do you girls want to do?" Izuku asks even though he's dreading it

Izuku Yagi: The Next Death/LoboWhere stories live. Discover now