Chapter 5 (episode 5 part 2)

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Here's more of the chapter/episode for everybody

Third POV

"Okay everyone, it's showtime!" Charlie says as she sighs

She then opens the door, revealing to be Lucifer, excited to see his daughter

"Charlie" Lucifer says

"Hey, da..." Charlie says

Charlie doesn't get to finish because Lucifer hugs her really tight like a bear. Unbeknownst to them, Alastor was right behind them, with his wicked smile strained and left eye twitching in anger when Alastor saw Lucifer

"Oh it's so good to see you. Haha!" Lucifer says as he hugs her

Lucifer let's go of Charlie to give her a breather

Charlie clears her throat and says, "welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!"

Two egg boiz pops some party poppers as a warm welcome. KeeKee curls up to Lucifer and rubs her face against his legs. Lucifer notices her and goes all enchanted by her cuteness. He crouches down and rubs her head

"Oh hewwo, KeeKee!" Lucifer says

Razzle and Dazzle flies by and Lucifer greets them

"Razzle, Dazzle. Oh" Lucifer says with an endearing noise, "look how much you haven't grown. Still fun sized. You taking care of my wittle girl?" He then speaks in a very deep ominous threatening tone, "You better be" he then snickers, "wow! This place sure looks, uh... uh huh yah uh huh... it's got a lot of character!"

Lucifer finds the bar at the corner and was immediately repulsed by it

"OH, what in the unholy hell is that!?" Lucifer yells

Alastor reappears from the fog and in front of Angel Dust

"Just some of the renovations we had done. Adds a bit of color, don't you think?" He says

"And you are?" Lucifer asks

Alastor reappears behind Lucifer, catching his attention

"Alastor. Pleasure to meet you, sir. Quite a pleasure" he says as he shakes Lucifer's cane and wiping his hand in somewhat hidden disgust, "it's nice to finally put a face to the name" (indicates the height by the camera), "you are much shorter in real life"

Alastor makes a hand gesture indicating the height difference between the Morningstars

"Who is this? Who is this nut? Are you the bellhop?" Lucifer asks

"Aha! No! I am the host of the hotel. You might have heard of me from my radio broadcast" Alastor says

"Hmm, nope! I guess that's why Charlie called it the Has-been Hotel, ahaha!" Lucifer says

"Ha ha ha. It was actually my idea" Alastor says to Lucifer

"Ahaha. Well, it's not very clever!" Lucifer says

Alastor says strained, "ha ha! Fuck you"

I personally love this scene lmao

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