Chapter 14

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There is a scene from a video of a comedian that I want to put in this chapter and I think you'll like it lmao, also it's finally time for the land of living parts

Third POV

It's the next day after the failed execution day and Sera and Lute are in front of the remaining Exorcists... guess they really want to go to Hell

"It's finally time! We will take our revenge on what happened to Adam!" Lute yells making the remaining Exorcists cheer with their fists up

After this Lilith finally shows up and walks over to them

'They really are dumb thinking I'll stop my child, I want to say sorry to my family, it will be hard and take time but I want to redeem myself' she thinks to herself

"Oh good you're here Lilith, you ready to go down to Hell?" Lute asks as she looks over with Sera

"Yeah, yeah, let's go" she says bored

Once they open the portal they fly down thinking that they'll win by killing all the sinners which like last chapter is impossible because of the amount of people dying and being born every day and all day

As soon as they set foot on the ground in front of the new version of the hotel, something changes for them. They start to turn demonic freaking out

After this happens the Hazbin crew that lives there walk out while a portal opens and steps out God and the adorable angel seraph Emily

"I told you what would happen if you did this" god says as he looks at the morons, "how are you doing daughter in law?" He says as he looks at Lilith

"Ex daughter in law..." she says

"Doesn't matter, I can tell you want to get back with my son and that you're sorry for leaving" god says

"How?" Lilith asks

"I'm God, I know all Lilith" he says with a deadpanned look, he then looks at Charlie and the others, "granddaughter, izuku" he says to the two

"Grandpa!/Hey" the two say

After that he looked towards Emily who was looking at izuku with a blush on her face

"Emily... it looks like you're the new head seraphim" he says making her happy with a bright smile making izuku blush himself

"No!" Sera yells

"Sera! You went down with the morons for yet another extermination after I specifically told you what would happen if you went down for it! I told you no more exterminations!" God yells at her

Once he says this they all look down knowing their fate is sealed

"So... it looks like the three of you are in a polygamy relationship?" God asks izuku, Charlie and Vaggie

"Yep!" The three say happily

Now before you stop reading this for good you have to understand... the two girls were in the harem from the start because that's what I wanted, yes it was a slow burn but also they were already in a relationship with each other and quickly fell in love with izuku so after he helped them with the battle among other things they both asked him out

I'm not sure if it's just the three of them or if anyone else wants to join it but for now the other girls will just be in his harem, not the polygamous stuff, sorry if that's weird but it's not my fault the two were already together

Once God and Emily leave the morons are depressed and leave the hotel area with izuku looking at everybody

"Hey, because of the battle and" izuku looks at Angel, "being free", Angel looks at him smiling in gratitude, "do you all want to go up to the land of the living?"

"Yes!" They all cheer

Once they go up they do buy a big mansion because well... Charlie's dad is Lucifer so they're loaded plus they're all living together, don't worry they have human forms... and cars, though one of the cars was a van with a bed that pops up with a remote (I got this idea from a video I just watched from a comedian named Ron White)

Once they look at it Charlie, Vaggie and izuku all look at each other and smirk knowing what they'd do in the future

"Anybody want to go anywhere? None of you have been to Japan before" izuku says

Cherri and Loona do live in the hotel now by the way

After some time of walking around they come across the Yagi's, Bakugo's and Todoroki's though some were reluctant to be around katsuki, shoto and Izumi because of the past

Does anyone want rei in the harem? I don't want a big one but let me know

"Deku!? How are you alive!?" Katsuki yells making them hold their ears in pain and annoyance

"Yeah I'm wondering that too..." the others besides katsuki and Shoko ask, "we were told you died, katsuki literally saw it happen"

"It's... complicated" he says while he looks to the crew

"So... got a car?" Bakugo says cockily

"Yeah we all do, I have two... one is a minivan" izuku says

"Minivan!? What a wimp you are!" Bakugo yells while laughing with shoto

"Yeah? I got a place to fuck your sisters" izuku says making the twin sisters of the two blush hard

Yeah this was the line lmao

"The fuck do you mean you shitty deku!?" Bakugo yells

"Well... the house but I was mostly talking about the van" he says

"Huh!?" The two idiots say

"Yeah it's got a bed that pops up with a remote" izuku tells the morons

"Where is it?" Touya asks

Yeah he's a pro here

"Here" izuku says as he presses a remote making the van drive over like the Batmobile

"It can do that!?" The families yell out loud

"Yeah we tricked our cars out to do that" izuku says with his crew nod their heads

"So uhhh... what do you all do for a living?" Ass might asks

"You don't want to know..." they all say at the same time

"Oh come on it can't be that bad!" Bakugo says cockily

Angel looks at the others and then back to the families, "you really want to know?"

"Yeah!" They say

"Alright... I'm a p*rn star" he says with a smirk and in his New York accent making them shocked

"Hey! You asked" he says

"Maybe former..." izuku says with Angel nodding

Here is the end of the chapter, like usual I hope you enjoyed and like it

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