Chapter 12 (episode 8 part 3)

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Not much to say again... I kinda just want to get this over with

Third POV

While Alastor was distracted by his microphone, Adam manages to score a hit on him, slashing him across the torso and sending him flying back to the edge of the roof. Vox cheers from V Tower

"Yes! Fuck you, Alastor!" He says as he flips off the screen, "ahahaha", he then jumps on top of the table, "THIS IS BETTER THAN SEX!"

Alastor picks up the 2 pieces of his microphone, trying to go back into his full demon form, but being too injured

Alastor speaks in a sing song, "have to disagree with you there! Radio's not dead, but it is ending this broadcast"

Alastor flees the battle and melts into his shadow. Adam, laughing, watches him disappear while leaning on his guitar

"Bye, bitch!" He says

Meanwhile, Vox watches in anger from V Tower, disappointed that Alastor wasn't dead and angry at him for seemingly fleeing like a coward

"No! Fuck you fuck you fuck you! Pussy!!" He yells

At the front of the hotel, Pentious commands the cannibals from the balcony

"Right flank, advance! Left flank, watch your six" Pentious is addressing Charlie and Vaggie, "ladies! There are more coming up on your right. Get ready for them, Vagatha!"

"Not my name, but got it" Vaggie says

Charlie is hitting angels with her shield, apologizing to each of them as she does so

"Sorry! Sorry. Sorry-sorry, sorry!" She says

"Now's not the time for that, babe!" Vaggie tells her

"Oh, right" she says

Five angels fly at Vaggie, out to kill her. Charlie uses her firework power to explode them all


Husk flies around the hotel, throwing his playing cards. Angel, near him, is shooting them all with his Tommy gun

"These fucking angels won't stop coming!" Husk says

Angel laughs, his dirty mind turning it into a sex joke

"Okay, I walked right into that one" he says

Angel sees an Exorcist advancing on 2 of of the Egg Boiz

"Hold that thought" Angel says

Angel runs to defend the eggs, one of them having already been killed by the Exorcist. Angel blocks the Exorcist's sword with his Tommy gun, before shooting it up with a pair of guns that were hidden in his third pair of arms

Angel says to the Egg Boi, "you alright, squirt?"

"I nearly scrambled... myself" the egg says

"Get somewhere safe" Angel says

Angel is knocked off his feet by a huge explosion. The smoke clears, revealing it to be Adam, flying above everyone and shooting angelic light from his hands

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