Chapter 6 (episode 5 part 3)

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Here is another one

Third POV

"So uh, you and Alastor are like, what? Friends?" Angel asked

"Well, that's your word, not mine, but I think it fits. Why so surprised?" Mimzy asks

"Well, just didn't know he had any of those. He's been here a while and is still a big, creepy mystery. What's his deal?" He asks

Mimzy begins her tale by making a short flashback story oh how Alastor came to be. A shadowy demon is seen holding a drink, which Alastor takes out of his hand, in the next scene, demons are seen dismissing him as another sinner, but then, in a dark alley, an unnamed overlord is cornered by a sinister looking Alastor, before it cuts to a female overlord, presumably Alastor's next victim. One by one, more overlord demons disappeared, leaving only Alastor to reign supreme over all the others. Then, a radio tower sends neon green signals waves all over hell

"Well, you probably heard the stories. He appeared in Hell suddenly, making a big splash quicker than anyone had ever seen. At first, people wanted to dismiss him. But soon, overlords started going missing, and not small ones either. We're talking heavy. Hitters. No one knew what happened to 'em, until these strange radio broadcasts started going out. All you could hear was screams. Every time an overlord went missing, there'd be a new voice screaming in the broadcast! That's even Alastor revealed himself as the radio demon, and anyone that would mess with him..." she then chuckles, "well, let's just say , his broadcasts never lacked new voices"

The flashback story ends to the present where Mimzy was concluding her tale of Alastor before getting back to being nonchalant about him

"That's the story most people know, but underneath it all... he's a total sweetie! Put on some jazz and pour a couple fingers of rye and he becomes a kitten!" Mimzy says

As Mimzy concludes her story, Angel and Pentious were spooked by Alastor's dark history in hell while Mimzy doesn't seem bothered by their disturbance

"Stop with the looks. He hasn't done any of that in a while" she says and raises a glass, "can I get another one of these?"

Mimzy realized that Husk is nowhere in the bar or in the lobby, much to her annoyance

"Oh what the fuck!" She says

In the creepy dark hallways, Charlie was showing her father about the interiors of the hotel

"So, once we have the proof that redemption is possible, this whole hotel will be full of demons wanting to check out into heaven! We just need a little time to prove it. The sharing circles haven't been working as fasts as I hoped" Charlie says

While Charlie was in the middle of explaining everything to her father, Husk calls his owner from out of nowhere

"Hey, boss. Can I have a word?" Husk asks

Alastor stops and twists his head 180 degrees to have his face turn to him before his body rotates

"What is it?" Alastor asks

"You and I both know Mimzy only shows up when she needs something. That bitch is trouble, and who knows what king of demon she fucked with to come running to you this time?" Husk says

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