Chapter 9

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And another will be posted

Third POV

We see izuku back in Hell after his little talk with the angels up in Heaven and he decides to go to a certain building to hangout with a certain hell hound

"I wonder what Loona is doing?" Izuku wonders to himself

He then walks to the IMP building and walks into the room seeing her on her phone behind the counter like usual

"Well, well, I knew you'd be like this when I'd see you again" Izuku says laughing

Loona looks over and starts to blush seeing him again

Don't mind the audio, that's not important and pretend it's izuku giving her the headpats

"L-lobo?" Loona says

"Hi! I was wondering if you wanted to hangout today?" Izuku asks

"S-sure" Loona says as she's still blushing, "hey Blitz! I'm gonna hangout with Lobo today!"

"Alright! But don't be too late!" He yells from his room

"Yeah, yeah I know!" She yells back as they walk out

"What do you want to do?" Izuku asks

"Anything really, hey, what did you do before coming to see me?" Loona asks

"Went to heaven to check up on someone" izuku says

"Really!?" Loona says, she knows the truth about everything except for his real name

"Oh that reminds me, my name from before I died was Izuku Midoriya" izuku says

"I do like that name but... Lobo sounds cooler and badass so I'll just call you that instead" she says

"I knew it" izuku says with a smirk, "anyways I'll tell you what happened"

He then tells what happened, it pretty much was the same as the end of the last chapter but me being dumb forgot to add something so I'm doing it now

Flashback to the ending of the last chapter

"So... before I go I have to tell you all one thing" izuku says to the angels

"What?" Adam asks

"If you all go down to Hell again for an extermination day... I'll kill every single exterminator that shows up" he says menacingly"

Once he leaves Lute and Adam say at the same time, "I'd like to see him try", they say this because they don't believe him

Flashback ends

"Wow... that's... so cool! I'll definitely help out in the battle and I don't care what Blitzø says" she says

"Why mention him?" izuku asks

"Because he's my adopted dad remember?" Loona says to izuku

"Oh yeah, that's right" he says

"Hey I got a bounty on some random demon, do you want to help me with it?" Izuku asks the female hell hound

"Oh hell yeah!" Loona yells very loud and excited

Meanwhile up on earth

"It was so good to see Izu again" Katsumi says dreamily

"Yeah..." Shoko says with the same look

"Wait! That's the same dead izu you told us about!?" The girls yell out to them

"Yep!" The two say

"How!?" They scream at them

"We know but you can't know until he tells the truth" they say which the girls nod and say, "fair enough"

Back to izuku and Loona in Hell

"You want to move into the hotel? I know it's one that is rehabilitating sinners" izuku asks

"Yeah, that would be fun... I wonder if that will happen one day?" Loona says as she wonders about it

"Who knows? I think it will one day" izuku says

"Yeah, can't wait to see that happening believe it or not" she says

"You want to meet someone? They're very cool and nice" izuku says

"Sure" Loona says, after that izuku teleports the two to Cannibal town where Charlie and Alastor is

When Loona notices Charlie she stares wide eyed, "is that!?" She says

"Yep!" Izuku tells the female hell hound

"How do you know her!?" She asks

"I live in her hotel remember?" Izuku says to her

"Oh yeah..." Loona says as they walk over to Charlie and Alastor with Charlie about to sing

Izuku sings all of alastor's lines with him except for the first one that involved the cannibals, that was just Alastor... only fitting for him

The scene cuts back at the gates of the hotel. Charlie is coming from the left with the army of cannibals with izuku, Alastor and Loona while Vaggie is coming from the right with multiple crates of weapons

"Looks like you had a busy day" Vaggie says

"You too" Charlie says

"Who's the hellhound izuku is with?" She asks Charlie

"Oh that's Loona, she works at that place with those Imps that my dad had him help with that time time" Charlie says

"Oh yeah..." Vaggie says, the two are slightly jealous, "Charlie, I..."

"Hold that thought. Err.. ah! I got you a souvenir from Cannibal Town" Charlie says

Vaggie gasps and has an apologetic expression. She goes to hug Charlie

"Oh, Charlie" she says

"The wings are new. They look nice~. Come on, let's go home" Charlie says to her girlfriend

Both Vaggie and Charlie along with the others walk into the hotel, as they find Angel Dust, Niffty, Sir Pentious, and Husk all working on defenses for their hotel together

"Come along, let's put some effort into these fortifications" Pentious says

"Yeah, fortify that... well, look who decided to show up. We thought we were fightin' by ourselves" Angel Dust says with a smirk

"You're... you're still here" Vaggie asks

"What? Do you think we're a bunch of pussssssies?" Sir Pentious asks

"I just got used to you guys" husk says as he then scoffs, "I ain't finding no new drinking buddies"

"I've named all the stains on the carpet" Niffty then giggles and adds, "that one's Fred" she points to a stain

"Well, looks like we have a lot of work to do" Charlie says

The screen fades to black as the episode ends

Here is the end of the chapter, the beginning of episode 8 will be up later but for now I'm taking a break from writing and going back to reading so I hope you all like this like usual

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