Chapter 13 (episode 8 part 4)

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Like usual not much to say, kinda just want to get this over with lmao

Third POV

Charlie begins to fly down to help Vaggie, but Adam appears in her flight path

With one arm, Adam smashes Charlie into the sign on the hotel's roof, electrocuting her. Charlie falls onto the roof as Adam flies above the hotel's sign

"Risking your immortal life for sinners? That's some crazy shit, even for Lucifer's brat!" Adam says

"These sinners are my family!" She says angrily

Adam mockingly says, "these sinners are my family!", "do you even hear yourself? You should've stayed in your place, girlie"

Charlie stabs him in the arm with her pitchfork, before swinging him around to throw him across the roof

Pitchfork or trident who cares, I'm just copying what is said online through a transcript... I personally prefer trident

"That's Princess of Hell to you, pig!" She says

"The fuck? That hurt!" Adam says angrily

Charlie looks up at him, flicking her tail. Adam stands up

"Hehe. Okay" he says

Back in the hotel's foyer, Lute throws Vaggie to the ground, knocking her spear out of her hand

"You always were weak" she says

Vaggie tries to reach for her spear, but Lute flips it off the ground and out of her reach with her foot, before driving it into Vaggie's right hand. Vaggie screams in pain

"So, I'll spare you the pain of seeing your demon bitch die" Lute says

Vaggie looks up and sees that the mezzanine is on the verge of collapse. Pulling the spear out of her hand, she uses it to throw Lute off of her before revealing her newly restored wings to fly up and destroy the last pillars holding it up. Lute screams as it falls on her as plumes of sawdust fly everywhere. When it clears, the LED face has come off of Lute's mask. Lute's left arm is pinned under the rubble

"Do it, then. Correct your mistake" she says

"Seriously, you're pathetic, you know that? Ready to die rather than accepting mercy? No, live. Live knowing that you only do because I let you, the failure" Vaggie says

I love that the voice actress for her has the same voice for her Rosa Diaz character from Brooklyn 99 lmao

Hearing Charlie screaming in the distance, Vaggie flies out of the hole in the hotel's roof to help her. As soon as she is gone, Lute, not accepting mercy, begins to free herself from under the rubble. She screams in pain as she pulls her left arm out of its socket, freeing the rest of her body

Personally I thought it was weird but interesting seeing gold blood like the golden ichor from the PJO Greek gods

On the hotel's roof, Adam knocks Charlie to the ground, before picking her up by the throat. Charlie's tail and horns recede

"Let... me... go!" She yells

"This fight was cute n'all, but it's" adam's mask glitches for a moment, "time to die with the rest of them!"

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