The blinding light (prologue)

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On October 10th the nine-tails attacked. Civilians were panicking and the shinobi were trying to stop it but all was in vain. Then the almighty 4th hokage stopped the kyuubi but not as you think during the process Lord Third sacrificed himself using the reaper death seal and then giving 50/50 to Naruto's two siblings, Menma and Mito. While Naruto got nothing and was abandoned at the site of the birth.

The reason that Minato and Kushina left Naruto is because a week earlier Jiraiya came and told them one of their children will have immense power and will bring peace to the world. But what they didn't know what that an otherworldly being was watching the whole thing.

???: hmm ... that's interesting. This poor boy being left alone, not anyone caring that he was left alone. Well it was getting boring here so you know what kid today is not only your day of existence but you will be gifted my power and more.

In the night sky a rainbowy wormhole appeared out of the sky and just a moment later a beam of pure light shot right down from it and went into Naruto.

???: (chuckling) now let's see what journey awaits us Naruto.

Timeskip: 5 years later

(Naruto monologue)
It's been five years since that day and no one knows what happened but after that it was ok but soon it started to get worse. Everyone started to be afraid of me and I couldn't understand why but soon that fear became hatred. It became obvious that my siblings were "hero's" cause they hold the kyuubi and the prophecy says they would bring peace. Making everyone forget about me. Also I have been getting these strange dreams about a blinding light and a star in it. But enough about that right now I'm hiding from a mob that was chasing me for no reason.

Civilian 1: where is that brat I know he went here.

Naruto: (panicked) (trying to lower his breath) (mind: why?! why are they chasing me I did nothing)

Civilian 2: (snuck up on him) gotcha now stupid brat now time to die. (the rest of the mob got to him and started to beat him to death)

Naruto: (bloody,bruised, almost knocked out) Is this the end and in the end I still couldn't figure out why they hate me.

As Naruto is knocked out, the mob going to do the finishing blow, but before that a golden claw came out of Naruto's body and started killing the mob. One by one everyone there dead with only an unconscious Naruto in a pool of blood.

(In mindscape)

We can see Naruto floating in a void somewhat looking like space.

???: Well there he is was wondering when you will get here.

Naruto: ( wakes up) huh, who are you?

???: (little surprised then smirks) well Naruto my name is Necrozma.

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