The fight

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During the night in Naruto's mindscape

Naruto: (sees that he's in his mindscape) Necrozma, what's going on?

Necrozma: I sensed that you were nervous and panicking in your sleep so I brought you here.

Naruto: I was?

Necrozma: yes, so I'm gonna remind you that you can do this.

Naruto: (a little freaked out) b-but how? You and me both seen them they are strong and know a couple Jutsu and have you seen their taijutsu!? How can I compete?

Necrozma: (reassuring him again) because you have something no one has ever seen. (Naruto, confused) (sighs) you have me.

Naruto: (still confused but feels better) ohh?

Necrozma: unlike everyone else here I can do many things. Jutsus if you will, but you won't need hand signs, technically.

Naruto: (amazed) so what can you do?

[A/N]: so in my timeline Necrozma knows all moves and technically in Naruto's world all five chakra natures.

Necrozma: I can use what this world calls the chakra natures. I can do all of it and then some.

Naruto: that's so cool!

Necrozma: so does that ease your nerves?

Naruto: yes it does, thank you Necrozma.

Necrozma: no problem Naruto.

After that Naruto left the mindscape and slept peacefully.

Time skip to the next day at noon

Minato, Kushina, Menma, Mito, and Naruto were there. Other people have joined because of Menma and Mito asking them too. The ones who joined are the Konoha 12 kids and Danzo to (cause of course he did).

Minato: alright everyone calm down. Today Naruto will spar with either Menma or Mito.

Konoha 12: who?

Minato: a son of mine

Konoha 12: (surprised by this but decide to say nothing)

Minato: alright Naruto who do you choose to spar with?

Naruto: (confidently) both.

Minato: (shocked) why?  (Everyone else is shocked too)

Naruto: just cause.  (Mind: more respect)

Minato: alright will Menma, Mito, and Naruto go to you places!

They go to their places

Minato: in 3 2 1 ... GO!!

Menma and Mito both looked at each other and nodded and then Menma ran fast to Naruto. By then Naruto go into a stance looking at Menma as he ran to him. Just as Menma go to him Naruto side stepped to the left and the out of no where his left hand turned into a metal claw and slashed Menma's back. Not enough to make him bleed but to hurt him.

Menma shocked by this retreated back to Mito. Everyone and even Naruto was shocked by this.

Naruto: (mind: is this what you were talking about how you have these powers like Jutsus?)

Necrozma: (mind: yep and there is more where that came form!!)

Naruto: (sees that his metal claw goes away)  (mind: I like it!!)

Mito: (sees her chance and takes it)

Mito, better at taijutsu started going at Naruto. Naruto unexpected by this just dodged a little. Mito was giving a left and right hook then tried to sweep his legs but Naruto jumped up and sucked in his breath and blew out fire right out of his mouth like it was a fireball jutsu.

In the side lines, Minato and Kushina were really puzzled on how Naruto can do that and even more shocked when he didn't weave any hand signs to do that said "jutsu".

Danzo: (shocked then smirks) (mind: this boy just did these types of jutsus. Not only did he not wave any hand signs, I don't believe that this is his chakra natures. Now you have peaked my interest, maybe just maybe you are more powerful than those two.)

Konoha 12: you can do this Mito and Menma!!!  (Sasuke: (shocked) mind: is that a fireball jutsu! No how can that be? Has he been watching me train on it?)

Back to the fight. Naruto then just teleported to Menma thinking hitting them one at a time would be better than just waiting for them to come to him. Naruto then used slash at Menma, still not having the reaction time got hit on the back and slid on the dirt.

Necrozma: (has idea) (mind: Naruto use flash)

Naruto: (mind: what how?)

Necrozma: (mind: don't worry I'll handle it)

Naruto: (confused then agrees) (mind:ok then whatever you say)

Naruto then uses flash then in an instant his body glowed and then a blinding light came out and everyone covered their eyes because of it. Naruto perfectly fine decided to use teleport and used rock blast at every direction causing to when the light died down Mito and Menma were hit by the rocks. Mito being the reasonable one decides to surrender but Menma got angry cause some nine tail chakra to come out. Menma enraged went in lightning sped at Naruto but Necrozma had even faster speed and got Naruto to put on iron defense making Menma not be able to hurt him.

Back to the sidelines, everyone was worried at Menma. Minato tried to do something but he saw Naruto give him a wink and thought Naruto could handle him.

Back to Naruto, Menma was still attacking but Naruto just needed to knock him out so he used gravity and made Menma fly high in the air then suddenly he went right into the ground, knocking him out.

Everyone still in shock to even move or say anything. After a while Minato said.

Minato: (nervous but stills go on) Menma is knocked out and Mito surrendered so the winner goes to ... Naruto!

Naruto: (big eyes and smiling while jumping up and down) I-I did it? I DID IT!!!! I WON!!! I WON!!! I WON!!!

Necrozma: (smiling at Naruto's victory) (mind: see told you you would win)

[A/N]: my first time writing a fight. How do you think I did? Cause I think I did good.

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