Killing the demon of the mist

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In the misty ocean, the team with Tazuna are on the boat going to the shore. Tazuna talked more on how his town is poor and building the bridge will fix everything. After awhile they got to the shore and continued on their way.

Tazuna: alright take me home and in one piece.

Menma: (mind: that guy is rude)

Kakashi: (sighs) (mind: that path here on out will be even more dangerous, I hope they're up for it)

As they were on the path Menma saw a bush slightly shake and he suddenly threw a kunai at it.

Mito: what was that about!?

Menma: I saw that bush shake. I thought it was someone trying to sneak on us!

Naruto went to the bush and saw that it is a white bunny

Naruto: Menma you hit almost hit a bunny!

Menma shocked by this went to the bunny, holding it and repeatedly saying sorry it.

Tazuna: why you fussing over a rodent?

Kushina: Menma likes bunnies.

Necrozma senses someone else here stalking them. He decides to not say anything until he can pinpoint where they are. After a while of Menma saying sorry to the bunny and Mito comforting him, Necrozma finally pinpointed where that person is. Suddenly a golden claw came out of Naruto's back and straight at the person hiding. The mysterious person couldn't react in time and got caught by the claw. Necrozma took the person and pulled them to the ground, applying pressure. Everyone surprised by the person and claw that came from Naruto looked at the man. Necrozma being the quick one decides to take over but not showing that he has, so it looks like Naruto is doing the actions and talking.

Naruto (Necrozma): who are you and what do you want?

Kakashi being the first one to say anything after.

Kakashi: That is Zabuza Momochi, rouge ninja from the village hidden in the mist.

Naruto (Necrozma): rouge ninja? Well I won't feel bad about this anymore.

Before anyone can say anything else Necrozma stretches Naruto's left hand out and another golden claw comes from it and grabs Zabuza's weapon. With the weapon in Naruto's hand Necrozma, wanting to finish this, quickly slices Zabuza's head clean off. Everyone is dumbfounded by this.

Mito, Menma, Sasuke, and Sakura were all in shocked and thinking how Naruto could be this fast and deadly.

Kakashi: (shocked) (mind: how? I don't even know what happened? Even before I blinked his head was already off his shoulders.)

Kushina:(mind: what is this power? I mean I know I saw this kind of power in the spar with Mito and Menma those years ago. But this. This I've see him do. He could be faster than Minato. And the way her just killed him with a straight face, like he didn't care. Once this is over we need to talk with him)

Tazuna: (mind: who even is this kid!?)

Necrozma still controlling Naruto decides to keeps the weapon thinking it looks cool.

Necrozma: (happy) (mind: I will put this as a trophy)

Necrozma gives control back to Naruto. Naruto already heard Necrozma's explanation why he did that. Saying that he was bored and wanted some action. Once everything settles a stranger comes from the trees.

Kakashi: that mask. You're a tracker ninja aren't you?

???: ZABUZA!!!!

Everyone was confused by this.


Necrozma tired from this and decided to finish this. So he made Naruto use dragon claw and in super fast speed sliced the stranger's torso making them split in half.

Naruto: (mind:NECROZMA WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!???)

Necrozma: (shrugs) (mind: yell at me all you want. I did you a favor. Those two were probably your biggest threats on this mission if I didn't interfere. You don't have to thank you, just wanted to let you know)

Sakura: (angry) NARUTO!!! Why did you do that!? That could've been an innocent person!!

Naruto, not wanting to deal with this now.

Naruto: (sighs) ok I will explain everything after we complete this mission. Ok?

Everyone cautiously agrees and they continue on.

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