Graduation day

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Timeskip of 6 years

In the six years Naruto's life is going way better. He is being included and they are training him. Mito is cool with it saying that he is a way better training partner than Menma. Menma on one hand he tolerates him but on the other he dislikes him in a rival type of way. Kushina trains them both on having good chakra control, while Naruto and Mito has great control, Menma is struggling. What they didn't know is when lord third sealed the nine tails in Mito and Menma is that Mito has the good half Menma has the bad half.

The Konoha 12 are starting to get to know Naruto and are taking ha a likng to him. Sakura and Ino being a fan girl of Sasuke, doesn't like him. Neji and Rock Lee thinks he is a good training partner, Kiba thinks he's cool, Choji doesn't mind him cause he doesn't take his chips, Shikamaru says Naruto is a drag but doesn't mind being around him, ten ten is no different, and Sasuke wants to be better than him so he thinks of him as a rival as well.

The civilians and Shinobis that didn't care or like him still didn't but they didn't try to do anything. Some do like him cause he has helped them with regular things.

With Danzo he was still trying to figure out Naruto's power so he can control it. It got bad to the point he seemed out others like Orochimaru to help him.

Naruto has finally gotten to make an ultra wormhole but it's only big and stable enough for one person at a time. Any bigger and he would need Necrozma's help. Necrozma other than teaching him any moves started teaching him about z-moves and what powers they behold.

Timeskip 1 year

In that year they all are in the academy and today I graduation day so they all have to put their best effort. The day went smoothly, everyone did good with their strength, speed, endurance, and skills. At the end of it was the final test, shadow clone jutsu. Everyone did the regular of two clones and transformed into iruka but Naruto wanted to do something different. He made 12 and made them transform them to the other students. Iruka sensei was proud and then gave Naruto a headband, Naruto was cheering proudly and Necrozma was congratulating him.

Iruka came back and told everyone their teams (skips till team 7)

Iruka: team 7 will include Naruto, Mito, Menma Uzumaki Namikaze, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha with their sensei as Kakashi Hatake and Kushina Uzumaki.

Everyone was confused why they have more than 3 students and two teachers.

Iruka: lord fourth recommended it. You will all meet your sensei shortly. (Leaves)

Almost all teams left with their sensei with Kiba, Hinaata, and Shin. Leaving team 7 alone.

Menma: (annoyed) (sighs) when is mom gonna get here with Kakashi!?

While Menma was complaining Naruto was setting the eraser on top of the door, Mito getting annoyed at Menma complaining and Naruto setting a prank on their mother if she goes through the door first. Sakura is still looking at Sasuke.

Then soon later Kakashi goes through the door and let the eraser hit him with a deadpan expression.

Naruto and Necrozma were laughing, Menma was too, Mito and Sakura were apologizing but Sakura was cheering in her head, Sasuke didn't care.

Kakashi: (deadpans) hm ... what idiots. Meet me at the roof. (Bodyflickers to the roof)

Naruto used teleport to get to the roof, the others were surprised except Mito and Menma. Not later then Kushina appears and asked where Kakashi and Naruto went then sighs the chuckles and Naruto's prank. After that they all went to the roof and see Kakashi leaning against the railing and Naruto sitting on the steps. Kushina went next to Kakashi and the rest went to sit next to Naruto.

Kakashi: alright how about we each say our name and say something about ourselves.

Sakura: umm could you show us how?

Kakashi: well it goes like, my name is Kakashi Hatake and my interests are stuff that you don't need to know about.

Kushina then laughs loudly and pats Kakashi on that back. Everyone confused by this but they thought it was an inside joke.

Naruto: (mind: that didn't help us at all)

Kakashi: how about you go first Mrs. Kushina?

Kushina: oh Kakashi enough with the Mrs. Kushina is just fine.

Kakashi: ok

Kushina: my name is Kushina Uzumaki and love my kids and husband, I don't like how he snores in bed and always takes the blanket.

Naruto: my name is Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze and Like my friend Necrozma and love ramen, I don't like how it takes too long to heat up the ramen but that's why I savor the taste.

Menma: my name is Menma Uzumaki Namikaze And I like training and my mom's cooking, I don't like how Naruto is being better than me

Naruto takes offense but then smiles because he said that I'm better

Mito: my name is Mito Uzumaki Namikaze and also love training and learning more jutsus, I dislike how the jutsus I'd love to learn takes a lot of chakra but I will make it work

Sakura: my name is Sakura Haruno and I love (looks at Sasuke) and I hate Naruto

Naruto: (confused) what did I do!?

Sakura ignores him

Kakashi: alright finally is Emo kid. What you got.

Sasuke: my name is Sasuke Uchiha and I don't love anything and I hate almost everything and my goal is beyond your understanding

Kushina and Kakashi understand what Sasuke is saying

Kushina: thank you all for sharing

Kakashi: tomorrow you will all take a test to see if you still pass be at training ground 7 early in the morning.

Kushina knows what kakashi is trying to do

Kushina: (smiling) and make sure you don't eat breakfast

Everyone except Kakashi groan but agrees and with that everyone left preparing for tomorrow.

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