Ultra encounter

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Naruto was screaming while in the ultra wormhole and Necrozma was getting tired of it so he just shut him up. After a while of being in ultra space, Necrozma finally found the wormhole to get them to their destination. Naruto goes in it and lands to what seems to be mountains formed as people flexing.

Naruto: (dazed) woah ... again! again! That was so much fun! Let's do it again!

Necrozma: (laughs) (mind: we will after this training)

Naruto: aw ok. So where are we?

Necrozma: (mind: happy you asked. This is ultra jungle)

Naruto: (goes to the edge of the flexing mountain) (amazed) wow look at the trees. They go so far.

Necrozma: (mind: yep this whole world is a big jungle)

Naruto: (still amazed) (looks at the volcano) what is that!!?

Necrozma: (mind: that is an active volcano. I know you're going to ask. It's basically a mountain and that really hot stuff in it and can spew out anytime)

Naruto scared and amazed by this suddenly feels the ground shake.

Naruto: what's going on!!?

Necrozma: (mind: the volcano is erupting. Don't worry I won't let you get hurt. Now go to those vines and keep going up)

Naruto: ok if you say so.

Naruto climbed the vines and the flexing mountains until he reached the final one and saw a weird creature. It has red skin with big biceps, four insect-like wings, four legs, and a needle like mouth.

Naruto: (scared) N-N-Necrozma what is that!? It looks like a mosquito.

Necrozma: (mind: huh now that you say that it does look like one. I never cared enough about its appearance to even notice)

Naruto: (still scared but less than before) it's just standing there. Menacingly. What's it waiting for?

Necrozma: (mind: first that is a Buzzwole. It's very strong so you can train your strength with it. You can still use moves if you want, it will too. But you're mostly gonna be using your fists)

Naruto calms down and gets to a fighting stance and so does Buzzwole. Then out of nowhere Buzzwole starts flexing.

Buzzwole: BUZZ!!! BUZZ!!! BUZZ!!! BUZZ!!!

Naruto: (confused) uhh what is it doing?

Necrozma: (mind: this is natural for their species)

Naruto: umm ok.

Naruto goes for the attack but then Buzzwole dodges and then thunder punched Naruto in the back. Naruto took the hit and teleported a few distance away and did Draco meteor. Buzzwole didn't want Naruto to get an advantage so it quickly lunges at him then used comet punch. Naruto got hit again but  still got up. Not wanting to give up decides to teleport close to it and used metal claw and got a hit in but almost didn't do anything because Buzzwole used bulk up at the last second. Naruto determined decides to use metal and dragon claw with metal claw covering his left hand while dragon claw covering his right. Naruto kept using teleport to get out of close distance and kept hitting him. Buzzwole is getting hurt but not by that much and heaved Naruto's arm and did vital throw. Naruto got flung up in the air and Buzzwole above him used mega punch with both hands. Naruto is taking a huge beating but will not give up.

Naruto: (panting) (mind: what did I do? It's like nothing can hurt him!)

Necrozma: (mind: use fire)

Naruto: (realizes) (mind: oh it's a bug looking creature so that makes sense)

Naruto with new found motivation used teleport and uses the biggest flamethrower moves he ever done. Buzzwole with no time to react got hit with it being super effective and faints.

Naruto: (pants and falls down happy) I .. I .. did ...IT!!!! (Puts his arms up) woooohhhoooo!!!  You see that Necrozma. I did it!!

Necrozma: (chuckling the laughs) (mind: yes you sure did. Rest up now because I'm going to take you to another ultra beast)

Naruto: (catches his breath) another one?

Necrozma: (smirkes) (mind: yeah you do)

Naruto: (sits up) ok that won't be too hard after defeating Buzzwole. I'll defeat it. BELIEVE IT!!!

Necrozma: (mind: alright I believe in you. So are you ready?)

Naruto: (gets up) yep! Hey where did Buzzwole go?

Naruto sees that Buzzwole is gone from the mountain. Then looks around and sees Buzzwole flying somewhere else.

Naruto: huh I guess he took that defeat well.

Necrozma: (mind: I don't care enough to know. Alright I'll open a wormhole and you get ready)

Naruto gets himself pumped and once a wormhole appears he jumped in. Last time he was screaming out of fear but now it's enjoyment.

Naruto: (happy) wwwooohhhooooo!!!!

It tools some time but Necrozma found the wormhole that he's looking for and took Naruto in. Naruto landed on what appears as sand and looks around.

Naruto: (amazed like last time) so what is this place called?

Necrozma: (mind: this place is called ultra desert)

Naruto: yeah I can see why.

Naruto is seeing these sand like, glass like structures and decides to go further into the place. Going through these holes and tunnels, hopping over boulders and sliding in through crevasses. He then finally saw this weird roach Looking creature that was looking at the house like structures. Once he approached it, it then turned around giving Naruto a clear view of it. It definitely looks like a roach but with a more feminine figure.

Naruto: (mind: Necrozma what is that?)

Necrozma: (mind: that is a Pheromosa. Don't let its beauty deceive you, she's more faster than Buzzwole)

Before Naruto could even mentally process what happened, Pheromosa dashed at him at used low kick. Naruto was swept on his feet and then Pheromosa used triple kick. Naruto not wanting to be defeated decides to gravity to stop Pheromosa in its tracks and used prismatic laser. Several glowing lights appeared next to Naruto and it shot out like laser directed toward Pheromosa. Pheromosa couldn't move cause of gravity and got hit by it. Pheromosa lays on the ground acting defeated.

Naruto: (confused) did I win? That seems a little too ea...

Before Naruto could finish his sentence Pheromosa dashed and used rapid spin, hitting Naruto. Naruto grunts but will not give up and used quick attack and thunder punch. Naruto's attack hit and Pheromosa actually fainted because Naruto used so much force into the punch.

Naruto: (panting) that .. was close. (Naruto really fatigued passed out)

Necrozma: (mind: you did good Naruto. You deserve the rest. I will get you home.)

Necrozma takes over Naruto's body and makes a wormhole. Once he got in he then was going through ultra space to find the wormhole that leads to Naruto's world. (Necrozma can easily just make one right to his room but he wanted a little fun first.) he found it then goes in. Necrozma puts Naruto's body in the sleeping bag and says good night to him.

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