Aftermath and training

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After the fight the Konoha 12, Minato, Kushina, Mito, and Danzo were too stunned to speak. Danzo with the information he just acquired decided to leave without anyone noticing except Necrozma.

Minato told the Konoha 12 to leave and even though some protested they just went anyway. Minato with Kushina and Mito went to check on Menma with Naruto shortly after his victory.

Minato: (relieved) well Menma is alive that's for sure (Mito and Kushina were relived)

Mito: that's good. But Naruto what I want to know is how you got so good and what was all that you just did?  (The others agreed)

Naruto: (widen eyes) (mind: Necrozma what do I say!?)

Necrozma: (mind: just say that you will tell them at home)

Naruto: (mind: oh ok) I will tell you when we get home ok?

They all agree. They went to their home Naruto happy as ever now that they will train him and include him in more stuff. Minato still carrying Menma puts him down on the couch and they all sit on the other one. Naruto now has their attention and tells them basically everything from when he first met Necrozma to before that match.

Minato and Kushina both had one thought in mind (that was the blinding light that we saw on that day)

Mito: so this Necrozma is like a tailed beast like the nine tails that me and Menma has?

Naruto: (shakes his head) no he is something else entirely. Like I said he is a ultra beast from a different dimension.

Kushina: and he took pity on you but soon became friends?

Naruto: (proudly) yep!

Minato and Kushina felt a shiver because of their neglect on Naruto may cause this Necrozma to be very furious with them.

Kushina: (little bit teary) so do you hate us for neglecting you all those years when you needed us?

Naruto: back then yes and still do now. I just wished you would include me in things and not forget me. I wouldn't even mind if you didn't train me!

Minato: well after we seen what you can do I can tell that you would make an excellent shinobi.

Naruto: (deadpans) you're just saying that because you've seen what I can do and beat both Menma and Mito.

Minato: (chuckles dryly)

Mito: HEY! You didn't win I was just looking at my options and surrendering was the easiest!

Naruto: oh please I would've won anyways.

Mito pouts, crosses her arms and turns.

While all this happens Necrozma is just laughing very loudly.

Necrozma: (still laughing) (mind: t-this is. The funniest conversations I've ever heard. In decades!!)

Naruto: well if you don't mind I'm gonna go and train by myself for a little bit?

Minato: yeah don't worry go knock yourself out. Just come back for dinner. Ok?

Naruto: (almost out the door) don't worry I will!!

Naruto closes the door and as soon as that happens Menma wakes up

Menma: (confused) what happened is the match over?

Mito: (smirks) well you got your butt kicked like an idiot but yeah.

As they were all talking and Kushina going to make dinner Maruto went to a training ground like Necrozma said as he starts his self training.

Naruto: so what do you want me to practice on?

Necrozma: (mind: I want you to practice making an ultra wormhole)

Naruto: WHAT! but how?

Necrozma: (mind: well first you have to focus on the area. For right now I will help you make a wormhole, just as a small rift then all you have to do is to concentrate and pour chakra into it to make it bigger and stable. Then later on once to jot a good grasp on that you will open one your self. It doesn't even need to be a big one.)

Naruto: ok

Throughout the day Naruto kept trying and failing but eventually he succeeded to keep it open. He did this a couple more times until eventually he got a grasp on it. He was able to make two (the second one Necrozma was the one who made it) by the end of the day. Naruto went home happy to be able to make an ultra wormhole (with Necrozma's help of course) and for the first time in forever.

Naruto: I'm home!! (He opens the door and sees Minato, Kushina, Mito and Menma waiting for him)

Kushina: hurry up the food's gonna get cold.

Naruto quickly goes to the table and eats with his family.

Naruto: (mind: even though I will not forgive them for what they did. I'm just happy they include me to eat with them and I hope more stuff like this happens.)

Necrozma: (chuckles at Naruto's happiness) (mind: eat well Naruto. Now you won't eat any last night leftovers anymore)

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