Neglectful family

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During the trip home Necrozma tells Naruto more about ultra space and ultra beast, all the while he also tells Naruto stories about his adventures.

Naruto: (sighs) well we're here. (opens the door and goes inside) I'm home!

Naruto sees his family siting on the table enjoying their dinner, not noticing that Naruto entered and he went to go see if there was anything in the fridge. All he found was some half eaten chicken.

Naruto: (mind: well it's more than what I ate last time)

Necrozma: (mind: I still don't understand how you can just let this happen. Your own family basically forgot that you exist.)

While they're talking Naruto heads to his closet type of room with only a sleeping bag, small table, and a lamp.

Naruto: (mind: eh yeah I do hate them for that but from my understanding is that father is the hokage and after the nine tails attack from what you told me that the village was in shambles. So he already go stress from that. And from what I heard Jiraiya says that one of them was the "child of prophecy" so both mother and father wants to train them more, but I would still like and hope they would give me a little more attention.)

During Naruto talking he finishes the chicken down to the bone Necrozma paying full attention and was going downstairs to put the dish in the sink. But on the way downstairs he bumped into Menma.

Naruto: oh sorry Menma didn't see you there.

Menma: whatever just get out of my way.

Necrozma: (mind: I still don't like him. (An idea popped in my head) hey I have an idea when you get strong enough to where you can make ultra wormholes you should take him through them multiple times. It should be funny.)

Naruto: (laughs) (mind: yeah that would be funny)

Menma and Mito have left to their rooms while Minato and Kushina in the kitchen talking.

Minato: oh how did we get such great kids.

Kushina: I know right Menma is already getting better with flying raisin and Mito as well with her sealing Jutsus.

Naruto: (whispering: oh this is a perfect time to talk to them).

As Naruto walks up to them

Naruto: umm... hello mother, father if I could talk to you that would be great.

Both Minato and Kushina are surprised at seeing Naruto and confused why he wants to talk to them

Both Minato and Kushina: uhh ... hello Naruto?

Minato: (still confused and talking a little slow) what .. is it that you want to talk about?

Naruto while preparing to what to say next Necrozma is calming him down because this is the first time that they are willing to listen.

Naruto: well I just want to ask if you could help train me and maybe include me in more stuff?

When Naruto said that they both laughed and Kushina said.

Kushina: why do we need to do that you already have a home and food so what else could you want?

Minato: yeah and you know that we're more focusing on your siblings because either one of them could be the child of prophecy.

Naruto feeling defeated thinks of one more thing

Naruto: what if I can prove myself? What if I'm able to defeat Menma or Mito in a spar and win? Will that prove that I'm capable to be trained?

Minato: (smirking) ok Naruto tomorrow you will spar with either Menma or Mito and if you defeat one of them then we will train you as well AND include you to our activies.

Naruto: (hopeful and happy) thank you. Thank you so much for giving me a chance. You will not regret it.  BELIEVE IT!!!

Kushina: well I doubt it but oh well goodnight.

Naruto exited runs to his room ready for tomorrow

Kushina: so you think he can actually beat Menma or Mito?

Minato: (chuckling) nope, no I do not. But it would be funny watching him fail.     (Kushina agrees)

While Naruto still exited talks to Necrozma

Naruto: oh I can't wait for tomorrow, I will finally get acknowledged.

Necrozma: (mind: I'm happy that this is happening for you Naruto but you forgot one thing)

Naruto: hmm ... what is it?

Necrozma: (mind: how are you going to fight them? You haven't trained you haven't even learned any jutsu hand signs.)

Naruto: oh ... well I'll figure it out. I mean you can help? Can't you?

Necrozma: (mind: just go to sleep Naruto. You need the rest)

Naruto: (closes eyes) (yawn) goodnight Necrozma

Necrozma: (chuckle) (mind: goodnight Naruto)

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