The forest of death

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The remaining students are now outside of the forest of death, awaiting Anko's instructions.

Anko: alright listen up everyone! For this part of the test you will need to survive.

Sakura: there is something really creepy about this place.

Anko: yes, it's called the forest of death for a reason. You will all soon realize why.

Naruto: (mocking tone) "it's called the forest of death for a reason. You will all soon realize why." Oh don't give me that. This will be a peace of cake.

Anko throws her kunai at Naruto's cheek but it slightly grazes it but makes it bleed. Then she gets behind him.

Naruto (Necrozma): I'd suggest that you get away from me.

Anko: oh~ big talk for such a little guy. (Tries to touch his blood)

In a quick motion, Naruto's hand caught Anko's throat and got her off him.

Naruto (Necrozma): when I say "get off" I mean it. (Throws Anko a fair distance away)

Anko: hm, I guess he can bark and bite. Anyways this test will need for you to rely on your team. (Shows and tells the layout of the forest and tells them how long they have. Then shows the scrolls) each team will have an earth scroll or a heaven scroll. You will need both to be able to move forward. Also, I will need you to sign these contracts saying that I'm not liable for any death that may occur. And once you're done, go to these booths and you will trade your contracts for a scroll. Ok begin!

Everyone went to sign their papers and Naruto was talking to Necrozma.

Naruto: (mind: hey Necrozma, why did you take control earlier?)

Necrozma: (mind: because I was getting bored and wanted to deal with her.)

Naruto: (mind: ok, thanks) (bumps into Mito)

Naruto: huh? Oh, sorry Mito.

Mito: it's ok, Naruto. So what do you think about this?

Naruto: child's play. I can easily wipe out the competition, get the other scroll, and get us the compound in the same day.

Mito: (chuckles) yeah, I bet you could. But leave some for the rest of us. We're supposed to be a team, remember.

Naruto: of course, I just got caught in the moment.

Mito: plus I want to test our strengths on some of these guys.

Naruto: ok, I'll leave some for the rest of you.

Mito: (chuckles) alright.

Once they all signed the papers each team went to a tent and traded their papers for a scroll. And once they were done everyone headed to a gate.

Anko: ok everyone! Once these gates open, your test starts. In 3 ... 2 .... 1 ... go!

The gates open and everyone ran inside.

Timeskip - Team 7 have been hopping from tree to tree until Naruto had to pee.

Naruto: hey guys! Stop for a moment I have to pee!

Sasuke: you looser. You don't have to yell.

Naruto: whoops.

They stopped and got to the ground. Naruto went to go pee behind a tree and the others were talking.

Menma: so what's the game plan?

Sakura: game plan?

Menma: yeah, how are we going to obtain the other scroll and get to the tower.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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