Truth and intermission

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Once the team got back to Konoha and took a well deserved rest. Naruto to meet him at the house so he can explain to them. Once they all are there and Minato as well.

Mito: so Naruto are you finally going to explain what you did back in the land of waves?

Naruto: yes, but first grab onto me and that will show you everything.

Everyone held onto Naruto and Naruto focused and transported them all to his mindscape. Everyone opened their eyes and see that they are in a void. And in that void there is a blinding dragon-like creature. Necrozma wanting to scare them roars at them driving fear right into their core. Them being terrified is a understatement, they are so scared that even the nine-tails in Menma and Mito are down right shivering.

Necrozma: who dares enter my domain!!! I will burn in ashes from the sun one thousand fold if you don't tell me. Why. You. Are. Here.

Each time he stop he got a little closer. Everyone was to scared to say anything but then someone said.

Naruto: stop that Necrozma I think you scared them.

Necrozma: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! The looks on their faces were to funny not to.

Naruto: (sighs)

It took a while for them to calm down and then.

Minato: what... what are you?

Necrozma: my name is Necrozma and I am a ultra beast.

Kushina: what's a ultra beast?

Necrozma: (sigh)

Necrozma told them that ultra beasts are basically alien like creatures that can cause havoc in the world and how he is more powerful than any tailed beast.

Mito: why are you here?

Necrozma: because I saw what you did to Naruto when he was a baby and I thought I should help.

Minato: so you saw what we did?

Necrozma: yes and you should be ashamed but Naruto wants you alive and if I used a lot of my power Naruto would die.

Menma: die, why?

Necrozma: because I'm too powerful. Those attacks you seen Naruto do is because of me. That is only the tiniest percentage of it. Once Naruto grows more he will be able to use more of it. Until he is strong enough to be able to use my ultimate move.

Sasuke: ultimate move?

Necrozma: I'm not telling any of you anything about it. Now I'm done talking to you all so bye.

As Necrozma said that a ultra wormhole opened behind them and sucked all of them in it except Naruto.

Naruto: still don't like them?

Necrozma: still don't like them.

Naruto: as expected. Ok I'm gonna go now.

Necrozma: ok bye.

Naruto: bye.

Naruto then gets out of the mindscape and sees his team and dad on the floor and dazed.

Naruto: (mind: think you overdid it?)

Necrozma: (mind: nah.)

Naruto sighs and helps them on the couches and goes to get himself some ramen. Once the others were out of their daze they didn't want to ask anymore so they all went on their day. Minato got them to do some basic mission just for them to take it easy after the last one. One of the mission needs them to pull weeds then collect trash in a river, another is to dog walk. They were all done with it and went their separate ways. Except Menma.

Menma: Naruto I want to spar with you.

Naruto: hmm.. why?

Menma: to be stronger duh.

Naruto: then spar with Sasuke or Mito or anyone else.

Menma: you're the strongest so sparring with you will get me stronger.

Naruto: (smirks) is that what you think?

Menma: that is exactly what I think.

Naruto: alright have it your way. Lets go to a field.

Naruto and Menma went to a random field to spar and once in position they both charged at each other. Menma went for a leg sweep but Naruto jumped up. Menma reacted quickly and got a kunai and jumped at him.

Naruto: (mind: so that's how he wants to play.)

Naruto used dragon claw on only his right hand and blocked Menma's kunai. Naruto teleported behind Menma and put his hand as a fist and it turned to lightning. Then Naruto thunder punched Menma's back, making him fall to the ground. Menma quickly recovered and took out shurikens and threw 12 at Naruto. Naruto used gravity to redirect them back at Menma as fast speed and he got hit. Naruto wanting this to be over used thunderbolt on Menma knocking him out. As Naruto went to go check one Menma Necrozma alerted Naruto that someone is watching.

Naruto: (mind: grab the person before they react.)

Necrozma agreed and a claw came from Naruto's back and into the trees. The claw pulled back and revealed that the man is Danzo.

Danzo: how did you know I was there?

Naruto: I have my ways. Now what were you doing?

Danzo didn't see a way out of this so he tried to put him in a genjutzu but Necrozma acted quickly and made Naruto slap him and take the sharingan from his eye.

Danzo: AHHHHH!!!!!

Naruto sees a brace on his right arm and Naruto destroyed it with Necrozma's help. They saw a white arm with multiple sharingan.

Naruto: (shocked) w-why do you have those? How do you have those?

Danzo: (in pain) I will. Never. Tell.

Necrozma having enough of this kills Danzo. Before this Danzo tried to put Naruto in a genjutzu but that level doesn't work on Naruto because of Necrozma.

Naruto: (mind: what do we do now?)

Necrozma: (mind: we take it. Become stronger.)

Naruto: (mind: but what about Sasuke? He would want to know.)

Necrozma: (mind: we will but I want to test this out)

Naruto: (mind: test what out?)

Necrozma: (mind: eat it.)

Naruto: (mind: what!?)

Necrozma: (mind: that's right eat it and the sharingans too.)

Naruto: (mind: why would I do that?!)

Necrozma: (mind: to be more powerful without the need of my help.)

After careful thought, Naruto ate the arm and the sharingans as well. It tasted completely awful but he felt a huge surge of power. His skin turn slightly pale but Necrozma turned his skin back. His eyes turned into a sharingan and was constantly spinning, indicating the multiple sharingans he ate. Then it stoped and it turned back to his regular blue eyes.

Naruto: blah.. that tasted awful. Don't ever make me do that again.

Necrozma: (mind: don't you worry, I won't.)

Naruto used a massive flamethrower to disintegrate the body and after that Menma woke up.

Menma: (groan) what.. what happened?

Naruto: I beat you that's what happened.

Menma: aww man I thought I could at least get a hit in.

Naruto: nope. Well see you at home.

Menma: alright bye.

Menma got up and left with his head hurting

Menma: (to himself) he could've at least gone easy on me.

Naruto: (shouting) I DID!!!!!

Menma: WHAT!!!

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